Population of World (2025)

World population


Births this year: 1,177,839,893 Births today 69,879
Deaths this year 496,602,766 Deaths today 29,462

World Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Christian 33.39% 2,445,212,292 people
Muslim 22.74% 1,665,292,828 people
Hindu 13.8% 1,010,599,869 people
Buddhist 6.77% 495,779,791 people
Sikh 0.35% 25,631,156 people
Jewish 0.22% 16,111,012 people
Bahai 0.11% 8,055,506 people
other religions 10.95% 801,889,027 people
non-religious 9.66% 707,419,908 people
atheists 2.01% 147,196,068 people

World population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 8,141,661,007 4,105,528,925 4,036,132,082 100 100 100 101.7
00-04 673,174,914 346,893,020 326,281,894 8.3 8.4 8.1 106.3
05-09 671,929,973 346,695,683 325,234,290 8.3 8.4 8.1 106.6
10-14 661,684,410 341,868,274 319,816,136 8.1 8.3 7.9 106.9
15-19 631,509,113 326,409,162 305,099,951 7.8 8 7.6 107
20-24 600,050,925 309,971,374 290,079,551 7.4 7.6 7.2 106.9
25-29 581,681,875 300,090,145 281,591,730 7.1 7.3 7 106.6
30-34 594,598,480 305,343,173 289,255,307 7.3 7.4 7.2 105.6
35-39 598,538,429 304,676,162 293,862,267 7.4 7.4 7.3 103.7
40-44 537,278,601 270,990,601 266,288,000 6.6 6.6 6.6 101.8
45-49 481,708,518 241,786,200 239,922,318 5.9 5.9 5.9 100.8
50-54 464,983,994 232,880,118 232,103,876 5.7 5.7 5.8 100.3
55-59 428,166,199 212,472,369 215,693,830 5.3 5.2 5.3 98.5
60-64 367,325,750 179,778,366 187,547,384 4.5 4.4 4.6 95.9
65-69 295,011,725 141,375,747 153,635,978 3.6 3.4 3.8 92
70-74 234,797,844 109,526,565 125,271,279 2.9 2.7 3.1 87.4
75-79 152,989,596 68,509,132 84,480,464 1.9 1.7 2.1 81.1
80-84 89,822,147 38,100,092 51,722,055 1.1 0.9 1.3 73.7
85-89 49,847,989 19,393,334 30,454,655 0.6 0.5 0.8 63.7
90-94 20,116,420 6,944,397 13,172,023 0.2 0.2 0.3 52.7
95-99 5,538,923 1,608,845 3,930,078 0.1 0 0.1 40.9
100+ 905,182 216,166 689,016 0 0 0 31.4

World Age structure and Population pyramid

World Age structure and Population pyramid

World Sex ratio

World Sex ratio

World Dependency ratios

Chart working age in World

World Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 8,067,008,402 0.95 75,611,441 101.74 62.01
2023 7,991,396,961 0.97 76,633,351 101.75 61.43
2022 7,914,763,610 0.99 77,735,041 101.77 60.84
2021 7,837,028,569 1.02 78,871,777 101.78 60.24
2020 7,758,156,792 1.04 79,982,136 101.79 59.64
2019 7,678,174,656 1.07 80,999,122 101.79 59.02
2018 7,597,175,534 1.09 81,891,381 101.80 58.40
2017 7,515,284,153 1.11 82,620,878 101.79 57.77
2016 7,432,663,275 1.13 83,191,176 101.79 57.13
2015 7,349,472,099 1.15 83,686,153 101.78 56.49
2014 7,265,785,946 1.17 84,070,807 101.77 55.85
2013 7,181,715,139 1.19 84,214,686 101.76 55.20
2012 7,097,500,453 1.20 84,073,401 101.74 54.56
2011 7,013,427,052 1.21 83,702,009 101.72 53.91
2010 6,929,725,043 1.22 83,245,522 101.69 53.27
2005 6,519,635,850 6.41 393,013,729 101.56 50.11
2000 6,126,622,121 6.83 391,499,037 101.40 47.09
1995 5,735,123,084 8.01 425,455,385 101.34 44.08
1990 5,309,667,699 9.42 457,127,130 101.18 40.81
1985 4,852,540,569 9.30 412,908,104 100.95 37.30
1980 4,439,632,465 9.31 378,233,237 100.84 34.13
1975 4,061,399,228 10.29 378,911,537 100.68 31.22
1970 3,682,487,691 10.84 359,992,570 100.42 28.31
1965 3,322,495,121 10.08 304,151,293 100.21 25.54
1960 3,018,343,828 9.43 260,029,303 99.96 23.20
1955 2,758,314,525 9.23 233,165,213 99.77 21.20
1950 2,525,149,312 99.60 19.41
Chart population World Population (1950 - 2025)