Population of Iraq (2025)

Iraq population


Births this year: 10,299,570 Births today 1,178
Deaths this year 1,266,614 Deaths today 145

Iraq Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim (official) 99% 37,764,565 people
Christian 0.8% 305,168 people
Hindu <.1 0.1% 38,146 people
Buddhist <.1 0.1% 38,146 people
Jewish <.1 0.1% 38,146 people
folk religion <.1 0.1% 38,146 people
unafilliated .1 0.1% 38,146 people
other <.1 0.1% 38,146 people

Iraq Population by Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Arab 75-80 7580% 2,891,468,695 people
Kurdish 15-20 1520% 579,819,580 people
Turkoman, Assyrian, or other 5% 1,907,301 people

Iraq population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 47,797,392 24,231,651 23,565,741 100 100 100 102.8
00-04 6,801,754 3,500,755 3,300,999 14.2 14.4 14 106.1
05-09 6,264,407 3,220,881 3,043,526 13.1 13.3 12.9 105.8
10-14 5,661,957 2,907,308 2,754,649 11.8 12 11.7 105.5
15-19 4,921,361 2,528,690 2,392,671 10.3 10.4 10.2 105.7
20-24 4,179,163 2,143,052 2,036,111 8.7 8.8 8.6 105.3
25-29 3,771,374 1,927,853 1,843,521 7.9 8 7.8 104.6
30-34 3,267,482 1,666,705 1,600,777 6.8 6.9 6.8 104.1
35-39 2,846,663 1,454,619 1,392,044 6 6 5.9 104.5
40-44 2,434,961 1,239,447 1,195,514 5.1 5.1 5.1 103.7
45-49 2,104,665 1,060,033 1,044,632 4.4 4.4 4.4 101.5
50-54 1,736,461 857,857 878,604 3.6 3.5 3.7 97.6
55-59 1,355,946 646,634 709,312 2.8 2.7 3 91.2
60-64 866,627 393,595 473,032 1.8 1.6 2 83.2
65-69 600,675 265,840 334,835 1.3 1.1 1.4 79.4
70-74 519,012 225,265 293,747 1.1 0.9 1.2 76.7
75-79 245,144 106,922 138,222 0.5 0.4 0.6 77.4
80-84 146,522 59,972 86,550 0.3 0.2 0.4 69.3
85-89 56,826 20,980 35,846 0.1 0.1 0.2 58.5
90-94 14,252 4,656 9,596 0 0 0 48.5
95-99 1,962 545 1,417 0 0 0 38.5
100+ 178 42 136 0 0 0 30.9

Iraq Age structure and Population pyramid

Iraq Age structure and Population pyramid

Iraq Sex ratio

Iraq Sex ratio

Iraq Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Iraq

Iraq Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 46,600,663 2.60 1,179,643 102.80 107.30
2023 45,421,020 2.63 1,163,711 102.78 104.58
2022 44,257,309 2.67 1,149,051 102.75 101.90
2021 43,108,258 2.71 1,135,870 102.72 99.25
2020 41,972,388 2.74 1,118,751 102.69 96.64
2019 40,853,637 2.77 1,102,325 102.66 94.06
2018 39,751,312 2.84 1,097,025 102.63 91.53
2017 38,654,287 2.95 1,106,601 102.59 89.00
2016 37,547,686 3.09 1,124,291 102.55 86.45
2015 36,423,395 3.26 1,150,102 102.50 83.86
2014 35,273,293 3.42 1,165,927 102.46 81.21
2013 34,107,366 3.49 1,149,744 102.40 78.53
2012 32,957,622 3.42 1,089,864 102.35 75.88
2011 31,867,758 3.24 999,602 102.31 73.37
2010 30,868,156 2.99 897,522 102.28 71.07
2005 27,017,712 14.60 3,442,961 102.26 62.21
2000 23,574,751 16.60 3,356,992 101.91 54.28
1995 20,217,759 15.67 2,739,304 101.82 46.55
1990 17,478,455 12.21 1,902,059 101.95 40.24
1985 15,576,396 14.08 1,923,038 102.33 35.86
1980 13,653,358 16.85 1,968,773 104.36 31.44
1975 11,684,585 17.81 1,766,603 104.15 26.90
1970 9,917,982 18.41 1,542,191 103.52 22.84
1965 8,375,791 14.90 1,086,032 102.52 19.28
1960 7,289,759 12.10 787,104 101.20 16.78
1955 6,502,655 13.70 783,464 99.99 14.97
1950 5,719,191 99.49 13.17
Chart population Iraq Population (1950 - 2025)