Population of United States (2025)

United States population


Births this year: 35,396,213 Births today 811
Deaths this year 23,219,916 Deaths today 532

United States Population by Religions(2007 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Protestant 51.3% 166,209,706 people
Roman Catholic 23.9% 77,434,931 people
Mormon 1.7% 5,507,924 people
other Christian 1.6% 5,183,928 people
Jewish 1.7% 5,507,924 people
Buddhist 0.7% 2,267,969 people
Muslim 0.6% 1,943,973 people
other or unspecified 2.5% 8,099,888 people
unaffiliated 12.1% 39,203,459 people
none 4% 12,959,821 people

United States Population by Ethnic groups (2007 estimate)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
white 79.96% 259,066,824 people
black 12.85% 41,633,425 people
Asian 4.43% 14,353,002 people
Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97% 3,142,757 people
native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18% 583,192 people
two or more races 1.61% 5,216,328 people

United States population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 345,084,551 171,086,010 173,998,541 100 100 100 98.3
00-04 21,282,091 10,881,299 10,400,792 6.2 6.4 6 104.6
05-09 21,067,227 10,760,693 10,306,534 6.1 6.3 5.9 104.4
10-14 20,665,959 10,543,044 10,122,915 6 6.2 5.8 104.2
15-19 21,849,693 11,119,585 10,730,108 6.3 6.5 6.2 103.6
20-24 21,910,763 11,129,815 10,780,948 6.3 6.5 6.2 103.2
25-29 21,898,651 11,161,658 10,736,993 6.3 6.5 6.2 104
30-34 24,263,160 12,415,523 11,847,637 7 7.3 6.8 104.8
35-39 22,696,822 11,554,872 11,141,950 6.6 6.8 6.4 103.7
40-44 22,400,246 11,260,601 11,139,645 6.5 6.6 6.4 101.1
45-49 19,796,538 9,934,238 9,862,300 5.7 5.8 5.7 100.7
50-54 20,508,703 10,194,531 10,314,172 5.9 6 5.9 98.8
55-59 19,949,374 9,946,321 10,003,053 5.8 5.8 5.7 99.4
60-64 21,656,874 10,583,097 11,073,777 6.3 6.2 6.4 95.6
65-69 20,266,623 9,738,431 10,528,192 5.9 5.7 6.1 92.5
70-74 16,594,890 7,767,318 8,827,572 4.8 4.5 5.1 88
75-79 12,955,986 5,901,802 7,054,184 3.8 3.4 4.1 83.7
80-84 8,050,796 3,457,920 4,592,876 2.3 2 2.6 75.3
85-89 4,400,099 1,784,685 2,615,414 1.3 1 1.5 68.2
90-94 2,080,972 732,320 1,348,652 0.6 0.4 0.8 54.3
95-99 669,505 191,785 477,720 0.2 0.1 0.3 40.1
100+ 119,579 26,472 93,107 0 0 0.1 28.4

United States Age structure and Population pyramid

United States Age structure and Population pyramid

United States Sex ratio

United States Sex ratio

United States Dependency ratios

Chart working age in United States

United States Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 342,827,583 0.67 2,290,978 98.33 37.48
2023 340,536,605 0.69 2,316,928 98.33 37.23
2022 338,219,677 0.69 2,332,931 98.33 36.97
2021 335,886,746 0.70 2,341,216 98.33 36.72
2020 333,545,530 0.71 2,350,166 98.33 36.46
2019 331,195,364 0.72 2,359,601 98.34 36.21
2018 328,835,763 0.72 2,361,750 98.34 35.95
2017 326,474,013 0.73 2,355,226 98.34 35.69
2016 324,118,787 0.73 2,345,156 98.32 35.43
2015 321,773,631 0.73 2,324,997 98.28 35.18
2014 319,448,634 0.73 2,312,715 98.22 34.92
2013 317,135,919 0.74 2,336,454 98.14 34.67
2012 314,799,465 0.77 2,409,097 98.05 34.41
2011 312,390,368 0.81 2,514,198 97.97 34.15
2010 309,876,170 0.86 2,644,209 97.90 33.88
2005 296,139,635 4.68 13,243,894 97.74 32.37
2000 282,895,741 6.24 16,620,213 97.36 30.93
1995 266,275,528 5.31 13,427,718 96.78 29.11
1990 252,847,810 5.05 12,156,253 96.21 27.64
1985 240,691,557 4.84 11,103,349 96.14 26.31
1980 229,588,208 4.85 10,624,647 96.10 25.10
1975 218,963,561 4.52 9,477,754 96.69 23.94
1970 209,485,807 5.06 10,082,275 96.99 22.90
1965 199,403,532 7.10 13,227,008 97.81 21.80
1960 186,176,524 9.00 15,380,146 98.36 20.35
1955 170,796,378 8.23 12,983,338 98.91 18.67
1950 157,813,040 99.81 17.25
Chart population United States Population (1950 - 2025)