Population of Nigeria (2025)

Nigeria population


Births this year: 0 Births today 0
Deaths this year 396,553 Deaths today 44

Nigeria Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 50% 9,302,669 people
Christian 40% 7,442,135 people
indigenous beliefs 10% 1,860,534 people

Nigeria Population by Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Nigeria, Africa 100% 18,605,338 people

Nigeria population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 233,557,691 119,198,552 114,359,139 100 100 100 104.2
00-04 36,395,744 18,674,336 17,721,408 15.6 15.7 15.5 105.4
05-09 32,454,848 16,656,160 15,798,688 13.9 14 13.8 105.4
10-14 29,312,311 15,067,095 14,245,216 12.6 12.6 12.5 105.8
15-19 25,462,454 13,086,024 12,376,430 10.9 11 10.8 105.7
20-24 21,493,857 11,032,390 10,461,467 9.2 9.3 9.1 105.5
25-29 17,630,729 9,030,432 8,600,297 7.5 7.6 7.5 105
30-34 14,701,470 7,518,305 7,183,165 6.3 6.3 6.3 104.7
35-39 12,653,758 6,461,658 6,192,100 5.4 5.4 5.4 104.4
40-44 10,928,100 5,568,820 5,359,280 4.7 4.7 4.7 103.9
45-49 9,064,276 4,589,779 4,474,497 3.9 3.9 3.9 102.6
50-54 7,176,268 3,600,413 3,575,855 3.1 3 3.1 100.7
55-59 5,513,657 2,727,122 2,786,535 2.4 2.3 2.4 97.9
60-64 4,244,608 2,072,807 2,171,801 1.8 1.7 1.9 95.4
65-69 3,047,309 1,468,209 1,579,100 1.3 1.2 1.4 93
70-74 1,931,116 914,720 1,016,396 0.8 0.8 0.9 90
75-79 1,043,640 496,061 547,579 0.4 0.4 0.5 90.6
80-84 399,891 187,411 212,480 0.2 0.2 0.2 88.2
85-89 91,726 41,726 50,000 0 0 0 83.5
90-94 11,157 4,779 6,378 0 0 0 74.9
95-99 735 291 444 0 0 0 65.5
100+ 37 14 23 0 0 0 60.9

Nigeria Age structure and Population pyramid

Nigeria Age structure and Population pyramid

Nigeria Sex ratio

Nigeria Sex ratio

Nigeria Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Nigeria

Nigeria Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 228,031,617 2.44 5,433,309 104.20 250.37
2023 222,598,308 2.46 5,342,714 104.16 244.41
2022 217,255,594 2.48 5,254,925 104.12 238.54
2021 212,000,669 2.50 5,169,686 104.08 232.77
2020 206,830,983 2.52 5,082,423 104.04 227.09
2019 201,748,560 2.54 4,995,720 103.99 221.51
2018 196,752,840 2.56 4,916,904 103.94 216.03
2017 191,835,936 2.59 4,848,373 103.89 210.63
2016 186,987,563 2.63 4,785,601 103.84 205.31
2015 182,201,962 2.66 4,725,976 103.78 200.05
2014 177,475,986 2.70 4,659,469 103.71 194.86
2013 172,816,517 2.72 4,576,114 103.64 189.75
2012 168,240,403 2.73 4,469,734 103.57 184.72
2011 163,770,669 2.73 4,345,927 103.49 179.82
2010 159,424,742 2.72 4,217,597 103.42 175.04
2005 139,611,303 13.62 16,734,580 102.98 153.29
2000 122,876,723 13.33 14,451,901 102.54 134.92
1995 108,424,822 13.39 12,807,477 102.17 119.05
1990 95,617,345 13.96 11,715,775 101.98 104.99
1985 83,901,570 13.84 10,203,474 101.73 92.12
1980 73,698,096 15.94 10,132,498 101.74 80.92
1975 63,565,598 13.24 7,433,754 100.90 69.79
1970 56,131,844 11.73 5,893,275 100.56 61.63
1965 50,238,569 11.12 5,026,955 100.28 55.16
1960 45,211,614 9.94 4,089,281 99.98 49.64
1955 41,122,333 8.62 3,262,588 99.74 45.15
1950 37,859,745 99.54 41.57
Chart population Nigeria Population (1950 - 2025)