Population of Wallis and Futuna Islands (2025)

Wallis and Futuna Islands population


Births this year: 1,802 Births today 0
Deaths this year 705 Deaths today 0

Wallis and Futuna Islands Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic 99% 15,507 people
other 1% 157 people

Wallis and Futuna Islands Population by Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Polynesian 100% 15,664 people

Wallis and Futuna Islands Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 13,188 0.22 29 161.04 94.20
2023 13,159 0.21 28 161.59 93.99
2022 13,131 0.18 24 162.10 93.79
2021 13,107 0.13 17 162.52 93.62
2020 13,090 0.07 9 162.81 93.50
2019 13,081 0.02 2 162.90 93.44
2018 13,079 -0.08 -11 162.82 93.42
2017 13,090 -0.17 -22 162.69 93.50
2016 13,112 -0.30 -39 162.71 93.66
2015 13,151 -0.40 -53 163.02 93.94
2014 13,204 -0.50 -66 163.72 94.31
2013 13,270 -0.61 -82 164.73 94.79
2012 13,352 -0.73 -98 165.72 95.37
2011 13,450 -0.85 -115 166.24 96.07
2010 13,565 -0.96 -132 165.94 96.89
2005 14,246 -1.73 -251 150.49 101.76
2000 14,497 2.50 354 133.55 103.55
1995 14,143 1.89 263 135.79 101.02
1990 13,880 2.56 346 136.42 99.14
1985 13,534 20.50 2,302 133.36 96.67
1980 11,232 23.18 2,114 140.66 80.23
1975 9,118 3.14 278 126.71 65.13
1970 8,840 -4.15 -383 117.49 63.14
1965 9,223 7.72 661 120.73 65.88
1960 8,562 9.84 767 115.32 61.16
1955 7,795 11.33 793 114.02 55.68
1950 7,002 116.11 50.01
Chart population Wallis and Futuna Islands Population (1950 - 2025)