Population of Vietnam (2025)

Vietnam population


Births this year: 12,993,614 Births today 350
Deaths this year 4,882,950 Deaths today 131

Vietnam Population by Religions(1999 census)

Region Name Percents Number
Buddhist 9.3% 8,859,275 people
Catholic 6.7% 6,382,488 people
Hoa Hao 1.5% 1,428,915 people
Cao Dai 1.1% 1,047,871 people
Protestant 0.5% 476,305 people
Muslim 0.1% 95,261 people
none 80.8% 76,970,905 people

Vietnam Population by Ethnic groups (1999 census)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Kinh (Viet) 85.7% 81,638,695 people
Tay 1.9% 1,809,959 people
Thai 1.8% 1,714,698 people
Muong 1.5% 1,428,915 people
Khmer 1.5% 1,428,915 people
Mong 1.2% 1,143,132 people
Nung 1.1% 1,047,871 people
others 5.3% 5,048,834 people

Vietnam population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 102,092,604 50,510,945 51,581,659 100 100 100 97.9
00-04 7,108,207 3,676,007 3,432,200 7 7.3 6.7 107.1
05-09 7,562,468 3,947,755 3,614,713 7.4 7.8 7 109.2
10-14 7,664,610 4,036,037 3,628,573 7.5 8 7 111.2
15-19 7,156,328 3,737,307 3,419,021 7 7.4 6.6 109.3
20-24 6,522,924 3,348,039 3,174,885 6.4 6.6 6.2 105.5
25-29 6,823,570 3,482,786 3,340,784 6.7 6.9 6.5 104.3
30-34 8,616,078 4,362,212 4,253,866 8.4 8.6 8.2 102.5
35-39 8,488,637 4,255,708 4,232,929 8.3 8.4 8.2 100.5
40-44 7,766,842 3,858,819 3,908,023 7.6 7.6 7.6 98.7
45-49 6,968,817 3,430,011 3,538,806 6.8 6.8 6.9 96.9
50-54 6,410,987 3,135,499 3,275,488 6.3 6.2 6.4 95.7
55-59 5,681,409 2,749,373 2,932,036 5.6 5.4 5.7 93.8
60-64 5,023,429 2,362,882 2,660,547 4.9 4.7 5.2 88.8
65-69 4,081,720 1,829,652 2,252,068 4 3.6 4.4 81.2
70-74 2,739,089 1,152,026 1,587,063 2.7 2.3 3.1 72.6
75-79 1,424,620 532,757 891,863 1.4 1.1 1.7 59.7
80-84 895,854 302,910 592,944 0.9 0.6 1.1 51.1
85-89 613,529 181,488 432,041 0.6 0.4 0.8 42
90-94 370,767 93,925 276,842 0.4 0.2 0.5 33.9
95-99 133,553 28,643 104,910 0.1 0.1 0.2 27.3
100+ 39,166 7,109 32,057 0 0 0.1 22.2

Vietnam Age structure and Population pyramid

Vietnam Age structure and Population pyramid

Vietnam Sex ratio

Vietnam Sex ratio

Vietnam Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Vietnam

Vietnam Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 101,373,039 0.75 753,035 97.97 326.94
2023 100,620,004 0.79 787,034 98.00 324.51
2022 99,832,970 0.83 821,286 98.02 321.97
2021 99,011,684 0.87 855,067 98.03 319.32
2020 98,156,617 0.91 885,839 98.03 316.56
2019 97,270,778 0.95 914,034 98.02 313.71
2018 96,356,744 0.99 942,104 98.00 310.76
2017 95,414,640 1.03 970,440 97.97 307.72
2016 94,444,200 1.07 996,599 97.93 304.59
2015 93,447,601 1.11 1,024,263 97.89 301.38
2014 92,423,338 1.14 1,044,586 97.83 298.07
2013 91,378,752 1.15 1,043,205 97.77 294.70
2012 90,335,547 1.13 1,013,644 97.70 291.34
2011 89,321,903 1.09 964,128 97.62 288.07
2010 88,357,775 1.04 908,754 97.53 284.96
2005 84,203,817 4.88 3,918,254 97.04 271.56
2000 80,285,563 6.76 5,086,588 97.10 258.93
1995 75,198,975 10.25 6,989,371 97.14 242.52
1990 68,209,604 11.73 7,160,234 96.99 219.98
1985 61,049,370 12.28 6,676,852 96.79 196.89
1980 54,372,518 11.58 5,643,121 96.60 175.36
1975 48,729,397 12.26 5,322,106 96.57 157.16
1970 43,407,291 14.65 5,547,277 97.21 139.99
1965 37,860,014 15.88 5,189,391 97.40 122.10
1960 32,670,623 16.07 4,522,838 97.35 105.37
1955 28,147,785 13.45 3,337,882 97.33 90.78
1950 24,809,903 97.51 80.01
Chart population Vietnam Population (1950 - 2025)