Population of Spain (2025)

Spain population


Births this year: 3,989,022 Births today 617
Deaths this year 3,861,713 Deaths today 597

Spain Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic 94% 45,649,667 people
other 6% 2,913,809 people

Spain Population by Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
composite of Mediterranean and Nordic types 100% 48,563,476 people

Spain population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 46,094,613 22,641,088 23,453,525 100 100 100 96.5
00-04 1,824,889 940,525 884,364 4 4.2 3.8 106.4
05-09 1,996,831 1,028,968 967,863 4.3 4.5 4.1 106.3
10-14 2,158,304 1,112,245 1,046,059 4.7 4.9 4.5 106.3
15-19 2,458,206 1,264,550 1,193,656 5.3 5.6 5.1 105.9
20-24 2,333,539 1,197,376 1,136,163 5.1 5.3 4.8 105.4
25-29 2,168,655 1,108,255 1,060,400 4.7 4.9 4.5 104.5
30-34 2,308,640 1,167,325 1,141,315 5 5.2 4.9 102.3
35-39 2,516,891 1,261,629 1,255,262 5.5 5.6 5.4 100.5
40-44 3,076,691 1,542,664 1,534,027 6.7 6.8 6.5 100.6
45-49 3,860,479 1,950,615 1,909,864 8.4 8.6 8.1 102.1
50-54 3,905,351 1,979,718 1,925,633 8.5 8.7 8.2 102.8
55-59 3,619,754 1,815,777 1,803,977 7.9 8 7.7 100.7
60-64 3,393,441 1,668,446 1,724,995 7.4 7.4 7.4 96.7
65-69 2,939,870 1,411,031 1,528,839 6.4 6.2 6.5 92.3
70-74 2,354,967 1,095,793 1,259,174 5.1 4.8 5.4 87
75-79 2,024,484 900,504 1,123,980 4.4 4 4.8 80.1
80-84 1,505,871 628,632 877,239 3.3 2.8 3.7 71.7
85-89 947,917 352,962 594,955 2.1 1.6 2.5 59.3
90-94 532,339 169,380 362,959 1.2 0.7 1.5 46.7
95-99 147,304 40,192 107,112 0.3 0.2 0.5 37.5
100+ 20,190 4,501 15,689 0 0 0.1 28.7

Spain Age structure and Population pyramid

Spain Age structure and Population pyramid

Spain Sex ratio

Spain Sex ratio

Spain Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Spain

Spain Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 46,126,363 -0.07 -30,115 96.53 92.47
2023 46,156,478 -0.05 -24,354 96.53 92.54
2022 46,180,832 -0.03 -13,264 96.52 92.58
2021 46,194,096 0.00 553 96.49 92.61
2020 46,193,543 0.06 26,415 96.44 92.61
2019 46,167,128 0.11 50,244 96.37 92.56
2018 46,116,884 0.10 46,738 96.26 92.46
2017 46,070,146 0.01 5,542 96.18 92.36
2016 46,064,604 -0.12 -57,095 96.17 92.35
2015 46,121,699 -0.30 -138,017 96.28 92.47
2014 46,259,716 -0.42 -195,447 96.52 92.74
2013 46,455,163 -0.39 -181,919 96.87 93.13
2012 46,637,082 -0.15 -71,284 97.26 93.50
2011 46,708,366 0.23 106,874 97.60 93.64
2010 46,601,492 0.66 306,301 97.82 93.43
2005 43,854,761 7.62 3,104,961 97.36 87.92
2000 40,749,800 2.48 985,533 96.39 81.70
1995 39,764,267 1.46 572,212 95.90 79.72
1990 39,192,055 1.18 457,725 95.99 78.57
1985 38,734,330 2.73 1,029,463 96.33 77.66
1980 37,704,867 5.00 1,795,825 96.31 75.59
1975 35,909,042 5.85 1,985,802 95.90 71.99
1970 33,923,240 5.38 1,731,017 95.27 68.01
1965 32,192,223 5.72 1,741,229 94.89 64.54
1960 30,450,994 4.64 1,350,598 94.41 61.05
1955 29,100,396 3.67 1,030,659 93.57 58.34
1950 28,069,737 92.75 56.27
Chart population Spain Population (1950 - 2025)