Population of Serbia (2025)

Serbia population


Births this year: 55,404 Births today 4
Deaths this year 83,722 Deaths today 7

Serbia Population by Religions(2011 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Serbian Orthodox 84.6% 604,376 people
Catholic 5% 35,720 people
Muslim 3.1% 22,146 people
Protestant 1% 7,144 people
atheist 1.1% 7,858 people
other 0.8% 5,715 people
undeclared or unknown 4.5% 32,148 people

Serbia Population by Ethnic groups (2011 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Serb 83.3% 595,089 people
Hungarian 3.5% 25,004 people
Romany 2.1% 15,002 people
Bosniak 2% 14,288 people
other 5.7% 40,720 people
undeclared or unknown 3.4% 24,289 people

Serbia population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 8,484,772 4,137,546 4,347,226 100 100 100 95.2
00-04 430,896 220,641 210,255 5.1 5.3 4.8 104.9
05-09 439,197 224,837 214,360 5.2 5.4 4.9 104.9
10-14 446,571 228,549 218,022 5.3 5.5 5 104.8
15-19 464,140 237,437 226,703 5.5 5.7 5.2 104.7
20-24 509,865 261,148 248,717 6 6.3 5.7 105
25-29 535,446 276,108 259,338 6.3 6.7 6 106.5
30-34 542,061 279,167 262,894 6.4 6.7 6 106.2
35-39 579,592 297,887 281,705 6.8 7.2 6.5 105.7
40-44 555,236 281,363 273,873 6.5 6.8 6.3 102.7
45-49 602,892 301,041 301,851 7.1 7.3 6.9 99.7
50-54 599,440 294,160 305,280 7.1 7.1 7 96.4
55-59 558,575 269,863 288,712 6.6 6.5 6.6 93.5
60-64 511,366 241,753 269,613 6 5.8 6.2 89.7
65-69 480,883 221,415 259,468 5.7 5.4 6 85.3
70-74 518,479 229,209 289,270 6.1 5.5 6.7 79.2
75-79 378,751 157,468 221,283 4.5 3.8 5.1 71.2
80-84 178,398 66,588 111,810 2.1 1.6 2.6 59.6
85-89 106,319 35,321 70,998 1.3 0.9 1.6 49.7
90-94 39,201 11,638 27,563 0.5 0.3 0.6 42.2
95-99 6,904 1,821 5,083 0.1 0 0.1 35.8
100+ 560 132 428 0 0 0 30.8

Serbia Age structure and Population pyramid

Serbia Age structure and Population pyramid

Serbia Sex ratio

Serbia Sex ratio

Serbia Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Serbia

Serbia Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 8,523,710 -0.45 -38,509 95.18 97.46
2023 8,562,219 -0.44 -37,939 95.19 97.90
2022 8,600,158 -0.43 -37,156 95.20 98.33
2021 8,637,314 -0.42 -36,290 95.21 98.76
2020 8,673,604 -0.40 -35,081 95.22 99.17
2019 8,708,685 -0.39 -34,079 95.23 99.57
2018 8,742,764 -0.39 -34,176 95.25 99.96
2017 8,776,940 -0.41 -35,765 95.26 100.35
2016 8,812,705 -0.43 -38,270 95.29 100.76
2015 8,850,975 -0.47 -41,840 95.33 101.20
2014 8,892,815 -0.50 -44,790 95.38 101.68
2013 8,937,605 -0.50 -44,973 95.45 102.19
2012 8,982,578 -0.46 -41,303 95.51 102.70
2011 9,023,881 -0.39 -35,165 95.57 103.18
2010 9,059,046 -0.31 -27,973 95.60 103.58
2005 9,186,685 -2.92 -276,621 95.64 105.04
2000 9,463,306 -4.26 -420,840 96.38 108.20
1995 9,884,146 3.85 366,476 97.15 113.01
1990 9,517,670 2.86 264,269 97.48 108.82
1985 9,253,401 3.87 345,108 97.74 105.80
1980 8,908,293 4.84 411,125 97.78 101.86
1975 8,497,168 4.65 377,307 97.87 97.15
1970 8,119,861 3.63 284,777 97.76 92.84
1965 7,835,084 3.68 278,354 97.51 89.58
1960 7,556,730 4.45 321,814 96.83 86.40
1955 7,234,916 7.47 502,660 95.90 82.72
1950 6,732,256 94.44 76.98
Chart population Serbia Population (1950 - 2025)