Population of Norway (2025)

Norway population


Births this year: 560,047 Births today 59
Deaths this year 371,834 Deaths today 39

Norway Population by Religions(2011 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Church of Norway (Evangelical Lutheran - official) 82.1% 4,322,695 people
other Christian 3.9% 205,341 people
Muslim 2.3% 121,099 people
Roman Catholic 1.8% 94,773 people
other 2.4% 126,364 people
unspecified 7.5% 394,887 people

Norway Population by Ethnic groups (2007 estimate)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Norwegian 94.4% 4,970,309 people
other European 3.6% 189,546 people
other 2% 105,303 people

Norway population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 5,724,594 2,888,293 2,836,301 100 100 100 101.8
00-04 346,386 177,822 168,564 6.1 6.2 5.9 105.5
05-09 347,718 178,394 169,324 6.1 6.2 6 105.4
10-14 337,133 173,027 164,106 5.9 6 5.8 105.4
15-19 339,465 173,935 165,530 5.9 6 5.8 105.1
20-24 333,888 169,139 164,749 5.8 5.9 5.8 102.7
25-29 364,414 185,675 178,739 6.4 6.4 6.3 103.9
30-34 397,356 203,070 194,286 6.9 7 6.8 104.5
35-39 389,190 197,437 191,753 6.8 6.8 6.8 103
40-44 369,964 190,617 179,347 6.5 6.6 6.3 106.3
45-49 346,836 178,545 168,291 6.1 6.2 5.9 106.1
50-54 380,295 195,265 185,030 6.6 6.8 6.5 105.5
55-59 375,337 193,168 182,169 6.6 6.7 6.4 106
60-64 325,239 166,130 159,109 5.7 5.8 5.6 104.4
65-69 300,585 150,380 150,205 5.3 5.2 5.3 100.1
70-74 255,528 126,016 129,512 4.5 4.4 4.6 97.3
75-79 252,669 121,448 131,221 4.4 4.2 4.6 92.6
80-84 141,608 63,692 77,916 2.5 2.2 2.7 81.7
85-89 74,950 29,786 45,164 1.3 1 1.6 66
90-94 35,288 11,924 23,364 0.6 0.4 0.8 51
95-99 9,634 2,594 7,040 0.2 0.1 0.2 36.8
100+ 1,111 229 882 0 0 0 26

Norway Age structure and Population pyramid

Norway Age structure and Population pyramid

Norway Sex ratio

Norway Sex ratio

Norway Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Norway

Norway Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 5,680,118 0.79 44,555 101.82 15.55
2023 5,635,563 0.81 45,338 101.80 15.43
2022 5,590,225 0.85 47,088 101.77 15.30
2021 5,543,137 0.90 49,534 101.74 15.18
2020 5,493,603 0.96 52,012 101.73 15.04
2019 5,441,591 1.01 54,249 101.72 14.90
2018 5,387,342 1.06 56,542 101.72 14.75
2017 5,330,800 1.12 58,842 101.70 14.59
2016 5,271,958 1.17 60,991 101.63 14.43
2015 5,210,967 1.22 62,997 101.49 14.27
2014 5,147,970 1.27 64,520 101.27 14.09
2013 5,083,450 1.30 65,083 100.98 13.92
2012 5,018,367 1.30 64,422 100.64 13.74
2011 4,953,945 1.28 62,694 100.27 13.56
2010 4,891,251 1.26 60,880 99.90 13.39
2005 4,624,388 2.96 132,816 98.33 12.66
2000 4,491,572 3.02 131,784 98.05 12.30
1995 4,359,788 2.82 119,413 97.74 11.94
1990 4,240,375 2.22 92,020 97.72 11.61
1985 4,148,355 1.61 65,830 97.76 11.36
1980 4,082,525 1.90 76,304 98.23 11.18
1975 4,006,221 3.37 130,502 98.68 10.97
1970 3,875,719 4.07 151,654 98.97 10.61
1965 3,724,065 3.97 142,049 99.24 10.20
1960 3,582,016 4.45 152,585 99.27 9.81
1955 3,429,431 5.03 164,153 99.01 9.39
1950 3,265,278 98.22 8.94
Chart population Norway Population (1950 - 2025)