Population of Nicaragua (2025)

Nicaragua population


Births this year: 0 Births today 0
Deaths this year 51,654 Deaths today 11

Nicaragua Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic 58.5, Protestant (Evangelical, Moravian) 23.2, other 18.3 58523218.3% 3,491,962,219,060 people

Nicaragua Population by Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white) 69% 4,117,091 people
white 17% 1,014,356 people
black 9% 537,012 people
Amerindian 5% 298,340 people

Nicaragua population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 6,736,108 3,323,442 3,412,666 100 100 100 97.4
00-04 549,605 281,059 268,546 8.2 8.5 7.9 104.7
05-09 572,155 293,567 278,588 8.5 8.8 8.2 105.4
10-14 583,937 301,014 282,923 8.7 9.1 8.3 106.4
15-19 587,219 303,933 283,286 8.7 9.1 8.3 107.3
20-24 566,708 292,864 273,844 8.4 8.8 8 106.9
25-29 564,438 289,227 275,211 8.4 8.7 8.1 105.1
30-34 556,474 280,123 276,351 8.3 8.4 8.1 101.4
35-39 535,530 264,647 270,883 8 8 7.9 97.7
40-44 487,375 235,469 251,906 7.2 7.1 7.4 93.5
45-49 406,757 190,866 215,891 6 5.7 6.3 88.4
50-54 332,131 151,719 180,412 4.9 4.6 5.3 84.1
55-59 264,099 118,875 145,224 3.9 3.6 4.3 81.9
60-64 219,700 98,672 121,028 3.3 3 3.5 81.5
65-69 189,963 85,281 104,682 2.8 2.6 3.1 81.5
70-74 138,070 60,271 77,799 2 1.8 2.3 77.5
75-79 74,176 32,096 42,080 1.1 1 1.2 76.3
80-84 55,297 23,527 31,770 0.8 0.7 0.9 74.1
85-89 31,558 12,892 18,666 0.5 0.4 0.5 69.1
90-94 14,485 5,393 9,092 0.2 0.2 0.3 59.3
95-99 5,106 1,600 3,506 0.1 0 0.1 45.6
100+ 1,325 347 978 0 0 0 35.5

Nicaragua Age structure and Population pyramid

Nicaragua Age structure and Population pyramid

Nicaragua Sex ratio

Nicaragua Sex ratio

Nicaragua Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Nicaragua

Nicaragua Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 6,674,072 0.95 62,824 97.37 55.46
2023 6,611,248 0.97 63,614 97.35 54.94
2022 6,547,634 0.99 64,421 97.33 54.41
2021 6,483,213 1.02 65,223 97.31 53.87
2020 6,417,990 1.04 66,034 97.30 53.33
2019 6,351,956 1.06 66,784 97.28 52.78
2018 6,285,172 1.08 67,376 97.27 52.23
2017 6,217,796 1.10 67,761 97.25 51.67
2016 6,150,035 1.12 68,003 97.23 51.11
2015 6,082,032 1.13 68,119 97.21 50.54
2014 6,013,913 1.15 68,267 97.18 49.97
2013 5,945,646 1.17 68,612 97.15 49.41
2012 5,877,034 1.19 69,247 97.12 48.84
2011 5,807,787 1.22 70,065 97.10 48.26
2010 5,737,722 1.26 71,127 97.11 47.68
2005 5,379,327 7.01 352,535 97.48 44.70
2000 5,026,792 8.99 414,563 97.93 41.77
1995 4,612,229 11.28 467,665 98.14 38.33
1990 4,144,564 11.74 435,473 98.38 34.44
1985 3,709,091 14.13 459,181 99.39 30.82
1980 3,249,910 16.20 453,162 100.22 27.01
1975 2,796,748 16.62 398,653 100.48 23.24
1970 2,398,095 16.26 335,462 100.03 19.93
1965 2,062,633 16.22 287,937 99.95 17.14
1960 1,774,696 17.68 266,676 99.64 14.75
1955 1,508,020 16.45 213,027 99.16 12.53
1950 1,294,993 98.90 10.76
Chart population Nicaragua Population (1950 - 2025)