Population of New Zealand (2025)

New Zealand population


Births this year: 515,381 Births today 158
Deaths this year 286,754 Deaths today 88

New Zealand Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Christian (Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and Congregational, Methodist, Pentecostal, other) 44.3% 1,982,225 people
Hindu 2.1% 93,966 people
Buddhist 1.4% 62,644 people
Maori Christian 1.3% 58,169 people
Islam 1.1% 49,220 people
other religion 1.4% 62,644 people

New Zealand Population by Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
European 71.2% 3,185,879 people
Maori 14.1% 630,911 people
Asian 11.3% 505,624 people
Pacific peoples 7.6% 340,066 people
Middle Eastern, Latin American, African 1.1% 49,220 people
other 1.6% 71,593 people
not stated or unidentified 5.4% 241,626 people

New Zealand population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 4,922,923 2,407,909 2,515,014 100 100 100 95.7
00-04 304,238 156,184 148,054 6.2 6.5 5.9 105.5
05-09 304,975 156,455 148,520 6.2 6.5 5.9 105.3
10-14 318,263 162,806 155,457 6.5 6.8 6.2 104.7
15-19 320,787 163,396 157,391 6.5 6.8 6.3 103.8
20-24 305,332 154,617 150,715 6.2 6.4 6 102.6
25-29 319,263 161,538 157,725 6.5 6.7 6.3 102.4
30-34 335,716 167,263 168,453 6.8 6.9 6.7 99.3
35-39 297,218 143,622 153,596 6 6 6.1 93.5
40-44 286,849 137,090 149,759 5.8 5.7 6 91.5
45-49 268,204 127,569 140,635 5.4 5.3 5.6 90.7
50-54 316,569 149,500 167,069 6.4 6.2 6.6 89.5
55-59 301,011 143,525 157,486 6.1 6 6.3 91.1
60-64 318,040 151,976 166,064 6.5 6.3 6.6 91.5
65-69 272,589 130,953 141,636 5.5 5.4 5.6 92.5
70-74 227,379 108,863 118,516 4.6 4.5 4.7 91.9
75-79 196,853 93,291 103,562 4 3.9 4.1 90.1
80-84 124,060 56,709 67,351 2.5 2.4 2.7 84.2
85-89 68,038 28,776 39,262 1.4 1.2 1.6 73.3
90-94 27,898 10,757 17,141 0.6 0.4 0.7 62.8
95-99 8,636 2,762 5,874 0.2 0.1 0.2 47
100+ 1,005 257 748 0 0 0 34.4

New Zealand Age structure and Population pyramid

New Zealand Age structure and Population pyramid

New Zealand Sex ratio

New Zealand Sex ratio

New Zealand Dependency ratios

Chart working age in New Zealand

New Zealand Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 4,885,217 0.78 37,997 95.73 18.55
2023 4,847,220 0.80 38,449 95.72 18.41
2022 4,808,771 0.82 39,151 95.71 18.26
2021 4,769,620 0.84 39,953 95.69 18.11
2020 4,729,667 0.88 41,110 95.67 17.96
2019 4,688,557 0.90 42,009 95.63 17.81
2018 4,646,548 0.91 41,677 95.57 17.65
2017 4,604,871 0.87 39,686 95.53 17.49
2016 4,565,185 0.81 36,659 95.53 17.34
2015 4,528,526 0.74 33,044 95.58 17.20
2014 4,495,482 0.68 30,206 95.72 17.07
2013 4,465,276 0.66 29,393 95.91 16.96
2012 4,435,883 0.71 31,400 96.14 16.85
2011 4,404,483 0.81 35,456 96.32 16.73
2010 4,369,027 0.92 39,903 96.41 16.59
2005 4,134,699 7.17 276,465 95.97 15.70
2000 3,858,234 4.99 183,348 96.36 14.65
1995 3,674,886 8.16 277,352 97.15 13.96
1990 3,397,534 3.96 129,342 96.92 12.90
1985 3,268,192 3.86 121,421 98.12 12.41
1980 3,146,771 2.07 63,888 98.82 11.95
1975 3,082,883 9.34 263,335 99.51 11.71
1970 2,819,548 7.29 191,545 99.90 10.71
1965 2,628,003 10.79 256,004 100.65 9.98
1960 2,371,999 11.05 235,999 101.05 9.01
1955 2,136,000 11.95 227,999 101.38 8.11
1950 1,908,001 101.05 7.25
Chart population New Zealand Population (1950 - 2025)