Population of Myanmar (2025)

Myanmar population


Births this year: 900,881 Births today 220
Deaths this year 391,042 Deaths today 95

Myanmar Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Buddhist 89% 5,063,246 people
Christian (Baptist, Roman Catholic) 4% 227,562 people
Muslim 4% 227,562 people
Animist 1% 56,890 people
other 2% 113,781 people

Myanmar Population by Ethnic groups

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Burman 68% 3,868,548 people
Shan 9% 512,014 people
Karen 7% 398,233 people
Rakhine 4% 227,562 people
Chinese 3% 170,671 people
Indian 2% 113,781 people
Mon 2% 113,781 people
other 5% 284,452 people

Myanmar population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 58,373,480 28,545,140 29,828,340 100 100 100 95.7
00-04 4,466,309 2,251,214 2,215,095 7.7 7.9 7.4 101.6
05-09 4,435,631 2,232,702 2,202,929 7.6 7.8 7.4 101.4
10-14 4,498,619 2,262,811 2,235,808 7.7 7.9 7.5 101.2
15-19 4,936,868 2,480,558 2,456,310 8.5 8.7 8.2 101
20-24 5,212,881 2,611,191 2,601,690 8.9 9.1 8.7 100.4
25-29 4,876,934 2,430,537 2,446,397 8.4 8.5 8.2 99.4
30-34 4,512,978 2,236,840 2,276,138 7.7 7.8 7.6 98.3
35-39 4,210,249 2,074,562 2,135,687 7.2 7.3 7.2 97.1
40-44 4,106,934 2,030,476 2,076,458 7 7.1 7 97.8
45-49 3,853,564 1,875,772 1,977,792 6.6 6.6 6.6 94.8
50-54 3,444,116 1,652,280 1,791,836 5.9 5.8 6 92.2
55-59 2,989,765 1,408,361 1,581,404 5.1 4.9 5.3 89.1
60-64 2,424,168 1,112,660 1,311,508 4.2 3.9 4.4 84.8
65-69 1,903,146 846,263 1,056,883 3.3 3 3.5 80.1
70-74 1,350,992 573,523 777,469 2.3 2 2.6 73.8
75-79 664,268 277,247 387,021 1.1 1 1.3 71.6
80-84 325,502 130,116 195,386 0.6 0.5 0.7 66.6
85-89 124,935 46,344 78,591 0.2 0.2 0.3 59
90-94 31,042 10,386 20,656 0.1 0 0.1 50.3
95-99 4,281 1,225 3,056 0 0 0 40.1
100+ 298 72 226 0 0 0 31.9

Myanmar Age structure and Population pyramid

Myanmar Age structure and Population pyramid

Myanmar Sex ratio

Myanmar Sex ratio

Myanmar Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Myanmar

Myanmar Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 57,967,088 0.72 414,888 95.69 88.73
2023 57,552,200 0.74 424,619 95.69 88.10
2022 57,127,581 0.77 436,341 95.68 87.45
2021 56,691,240 0.80 448,821 95.67 86.78
2020 56,242,419 0.83 460,940 95.66 86.09
2019 55,781,479 0.85 470,241 95.64 85.39
2018 55,311,238 0.87 474,755 95.63 84.67
2017 54,836,483 0.87 473,057 95.61 83.94
2016 54,363,426 0.87 466,272 95.58 83.21
2015 53,897,154 0.86 459,995 95.55 82.50
2014 53,437,159 0.86 453,330 95.51 81.80
2013 52,983,829 0.84 439,988 95.46 81.10
2012 52,543,841 0.80 418,430 95.41 80.43
2011 52,125,411 0.76 392,398 95.38 79.79
2010 51,733,013 0.71 363,288 95.36 79.19
2005 49,984,704 4.86 2,314,913 95.53 76.51
2000 47,669,791 6.62 2,958,860 95.62 72.97
1995 44,710,931 6.44 2,703,622 96.10 68.44
1990 42,007,309 9.08 3,498,488 95.96 64.30
1985 38,508,821 11.71 4,038,127 95.76 58.95
1980 34,470,694 12.50 3,830,059 95.60 52.76
1975 30,640,635 12.79 3,474,590 95.39 46.90
1970 27,166,045 13.08 3,142,405 95.27 41.58
1965 24,023,640 11.81 2,537,216 95.26 36.77
1960 21,486,424 11.43 2,204,252 95.80 32.89
1955 19,282,172 10.01 1,754,929 96.76 29.52
1950 17,527,243 98.63 26.83
Chart population Myanmar Population (1950 - 2025)