Population of Mongolia (2025)

Mongolia population


Births this year: 509,267 Births today 96
Deaths this year 163,693 Deaths today 31

Mongolia Population by Religions(2010 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Buddhist 53% 1,606,605 people
Muslim 3% 90,940 people
Christian 2.2% 66,689 people
Shamanist 2.9% 87,909 people
other 0.4% 12,125 people
none 38.6% 1,170,093 people

Mongolia Population by Ethnic groups (2010 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Khalkh 81.9% 2,482,659 people
Kazak 3.8% 115,191 people
Dorvod 2.7% 81,846 people
Bayad 2.1% 63,658 people
Buryat-Bouriates 1.7% 51,533 people
Zakhchin 1.2% 36,376 people
Dariganga 1% 30,313 people
Uriankhai 1% 30,313 people
other 4.6% 139,441 people

Mongolia population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 3,363,803 1,656,577 1,707,226 100 100 100 97
00-04 296,616 150,269 146,347 8.8 9.1 8.6 102.7
05-09 319,735 161,813 157,922 9.5 9.8 9.3 102.5
10-14 335,423 169,587 165,836 10 10.2 9.7 102.3
15-19 275,385 139,444 135,941 8.2 8.4 8 102.6
20-24 213,378 108,386 104,992 6.3 6.5 6.1 103.2
25-29 221,151 112,267 108,884 6.6 6.8 6.4 103.1
30-34 262,772 132,925 129,847 7.8 8 7.6 102.4
35-39 299,878 149,764 150,114 8.9 9 8.8 99.8
40-44 245,751 123,661 122,090 7.3 7.5 7.2 101.3
45-49 213,349 104,455 108,894 6.3 6.3 6.4 95.9
50-54 189,593 91,280 98,313 5.6 5.5 5.8 92.8
55-59 157,137 72,769 84,368 4.7 4.4 4.9 86.3
60-64 132,731 58,295 74,436 3.9 3.5 4.4 78.3
65-69 86,253 35,924 50,329 2.6 2.2 2.9 71.4
70-74 51,590 21,433 30,157 1.5 1.3 1.8 71.1
75-79 28,837 11,589 17,248 0.9 0.7 1 67.2
80-84 19,107 7,420 11,687 0.6 0.4 0.7 63.5
85-89 10,090 3,765 6,325 0.3 0.2 0.4 59.5
90-94 4,119 1,323 2,796 0.1 0.1 0.2 47.3
95-99 833 199 634 0 0 0 31.4
100+ 75 9 66 0 0 0 13.6

Mongolia Age structure and Population pyramid

Mongolia Age structure and Population pyramid

Mongolia Sex ratio

Mongolia Sex ratio

Mongolia Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Mongolia

Mongolia Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 3,329,481 1.08 35,574 97.13 2.14
2023 3,293,907 1.13 36,906 97.23 2.12
2022 3,257,001 1.19 38,318 97.33 2.10
2021 3,218,683 1.25 39,779 97.43 2.07
2020 3,178,904 1.31 41,057 97.53 2.05
2019 3,137,847 1.37 42,255 97.63 2.02
2018 3,095,592 1.43 43,692 97.73 1.99
2017 3,051,900 1.51 45,456 97.83 1.96
2016 3,006,444 1.60 47,310 97.92 1.94
2015 2,959,134 1.69 49,263 98.02 1.90
2014 2,909,871 1.77 50,697 98.11 1.87
2013 2,859,174 1.81 50,835 98.20 1.84
2012 2,808,339 1.79 49,265 98.29 1.81
2011 2,759,074 1.71 46,417 98.38 1.78
2010 2,712,657 1.61 43,085 98.47 1.75
2005 2,526,447 5.38 129,009 99.01 1.63
2000 2,397,438 4.33 99,400 99.48 1.54
1995 2,298,038 5.21 113,893 98.18 1.48
1990 2,184,145 13.65 262,260 97.50 1.41
1985 1,921,885 13.75 232,263 97.37 1.24
1980 1,689,622 14.19 209,972 97.29 1.09
1975 1,479,650 15.70 200,825 97.19 0.95
1970 1,278,825 15.51 171,700 97.06 0.82
1965 1,107,125 15.87 151,611 96.93 0.71
1960 955,514 11.74 100,413 96.74 0.62
1955 855,101 9.60 74,901 96.91 0.55
1950 780,200 96.66 0.50
Chart population Mongolia Population (1950 - 2025)