Population of Moldova (2025)

Moldova population


Births this year: 357,705 Births today 99
Deaths this year 381,956 Deaths today 105

Moldova Population by Religions(2004 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Orthodox 93.3% 3,275,283 people
Baptist 1% 35,105 people
other Christian 1.2% 42,126 people
other 0.9% 31,594 people
atheist 0.4% 14,042 people
none 1% 35,105 people
unspecified 2.2% 77,231 people

Moldova Population by Ethnic groups (2004 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Moldovan 75.8% 2,660,948 people
Ukrainian 8.4% 294,881 people
Russian 5.9% 207,119 people
Gagauz 4.4% 154,461 people
Romanian 2.2% 77,231 people
Bulgarian 1.9% 66,699 people
other 1% 35,105 people
unspecified 0.4% 14,042 people

Moldova population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 3,944,590 1,883,341 2,061,249 100 100 100 91.4
00-04 176,910 90,854 86,056 4.5 4.8 4.2 105.6
05-09 199,184 102,243 96,941 5 5.4 4.7 105.5
10-14 220,460 113,791 106,669 5.6 6 5.2 106.7
15-19 212,266 108,937 103,329 5.4 5.8 5 105.4
20-24 195,844 101,184 94,660 5 5.4 4.6 106.9
25-29 236,589 120,152 116,437 6 6.4 5.6 103.2
30-34 325,817 165,328 160,489 8.3 8.8 7.8 103
35-39 417,512 211,287 206,225 10.6 11.2 10 102.5
40-44 348,977 176,530 172,447 8.8 9.4 8.4 102.4
45-49 292,616 143,433 149,183 7.4 7.6 7.2 96.1
50-54 248,934 118,338 130,596 6.3 6.3 6.3 90.6
55-59 220,131 100,396 119,735 5.6 5.3 5.8 83.8
60-64 265,880 115,816 150,064 6.7 6.1 7.3 77.2
65-69 225,727 92,513 133,214 5.7 4.9 6.5 69.4
70-74 197,344 73,872 123,472 5 3.9 6 59.8
75-79 74,686 26,168 48,518 1.9 1.4 2.4 53.9
80-84 49,714 14,331 35,383 1.3 0.8 1.7 40.5
85-89 25,394 5,996 19,398 0.6 0.3 0.9 30.9
90-94 8,667 1,896 6,771 0.2 0.1 0.3 28
95-99 1,785 259 1,526 0 0 0.1 17
100+ 153 17 136 0 0 0 12.5

Moldova Age structure and Population pyramid

Moldova Age structure and Population pyramid

Moldova Sex ratio

Moldova Sex ratio

Moldova Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Moldova

Moldova Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 3,962,239 -0.41 -16,415 91.49 120.62
2023 3,978,654 -0.38 -15,225 91.61 121.12
2022 3,993,879 -0.35 -14,097 91.73 121.58
2021 4,007,976 -0.32 -13,012 91.86 122.01
2020 4,020,988 -0.30 -12,179 91.98 122.40
2019 4,033,167 -0.28 -11,367 92.11 122.78
2018 4,044,534 -0.25 -10,106 92.24 123.12
2017 4,054,640 -0.20 -8,222 92.37 123.43
2016 4,062,862 -0.15 -6,035 92.48 123.68
2015 4,068,897 -0.08 -3,443 92.56 123.86
2014 4,072,340 -0.03 -1,374 92.63 123.97
2013 4,073,714 -0.03 -1,040 92.67 124.01
2012 4,074,754 -0.07 -3,057 92.68 124.04
2011 4,077,811 -0.16 -6,672 92.66 124.13
2010 4,084,483 -0.28 -11,330 92.60 124.34
2005 4,157,707 -1.03 -43,381 91.91 126.57
2000 4,201,088 -3.18 -137,994 91.80 127.89
1995 4,339,082 -0.57 -25,032 91.44 132.09
1990 4,364,114 3.54 149,203 91.07 132.85
1985 4,214,911 5.11 205,068 90.43 128.31
1980 4,009,843 4.45 170,932 89.69 122.07
1975 3,838,911 6.80 244,395 88.64 116.86
1970 3,594,516 7.76 258,891 87.84 109.42
1965 3,335,625 11.06 332,068 87.99 101.54
1960 3,003,557 14.33 376,550 87.92 91.43
1955 2,627,007 12.22 286,004 87.63 79.97
1950 2,341,003 87.65 71.26
Chart population Moldova Population (1950 - 2025)