Population of Lithuania (2025)

Lithuania population


Births this year: 249,683 Births today 75
Deaths this year 362,041 Deaths today 108

Lithuania Population by Religions(2011 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic 77.2% 2,203,469 people
Russian Orthodox 4.1% 117,024 people
Old Believer 0.8% 22,834 people
Evangelical Lutheran 0.6% 17,125 people
Evangelical Reformist 0.2% 5,708 people
other (including Sunni Muslim, Jewish, Greek Catholic, and Karaite) 0.8% 22,834 people
none 6.1% 174,108 people
unspecified 10.1% 288,278 people

Lithuania Population by Ethnic groups (2011 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Lithuanian 84.1% 2,400,412 people
Polish 6.6% 188,380 people
Russian 5.8% 165,546 people
Belarusian 1.2% 34,251 people
other 1.1% 31,397 people
unspecified 1.2% 34,251 people

Lithuania population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 2,724,613 1,253,254 1,471,359 100 100 100 85.2
00-04 148,449 76,063 72,386 5.4 6.1 4.9 105.1
05-09 146,178 74,878 71,300 5.4 6 4.8 105
10-14 151,574 77,687 73,887 5.6 6.2 5 105.1
15-19 133,019 67,773 65,246 4.9 5.4 4.4 103.9
20-24 131,909 67,692 64,217 4.8 5.4 4.4 105.4
25-29 158,205 81,044 77,161 5.8 6.5 5.2 105
30-34 204,168 105,213 98,955 7.5 8.4 6.7 106.3
35-39 186,739 95,218 91,521 6.9 7.6 6.2 104
40-44 162,782 81,617 81,165 6 6.5 5.5 100.6
45-49 165,358 79,679 85,679 6.1 6.4 5.8 93
50-54 190,079 89,175 100,904 7 7.1 6.9 88.4
55-59 184,225 84,008 100,217 6.8 6.7 6.8 83.8
60-64 210,678 92,260 118,418 7.7 7.4 8 77.9
65-69 176,450 72,004 104,446 6.5 5.7 7.1 68.9
70-74 138,916 50,582 88,334 5.1 4 6 57.3
75-79 90,019 27,560 62,459 3.3 2.2 4.2 44.1
80-84 74,787 18,444 56,343 2.7 1.5 3.8 32.7
85-89 46,237 8,728 37,509 1.7 0.7 2.5 23.3
90-94 19,868 3,176 16,692 0.7 0.3 1.1 19
95-99 4,534 426 4,108 0.2 0 0.3 10.4
100+ 439 27 412 0 0 0 6.6

Lithuania Age structure and Population pyramid

Lithuania Age structure and Population pyramid

Lithuania Sex ratio

Lithuania Sex ratio

Lithuania Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Lithuania

Lithuania Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 2,738,652 -0.53 -14,551 85.11 43.70
2023 2,753,203 -0.53 -14,602 85.05 43.93
2022 2,767,805 -0.50 -13,977 85.00 44.16
2021 2,781,782 -0.47 -13,116 84.97 44.38
2020 2,794,898 -0.41 -11,601 84.97 44.59
2019 2,806,499 -0.39 -10,903 85.02 44.78
2018 2,817,402 -0.47 -13,180 85.09 44.95
2017 2,830,582 -0.68 -19,448 85.18 45.16
2016 2,850,030 -0.99 -28,375 85.26 45.47
2015 2,878,405 -1.32 -38,393 85.33 45.93
2014 2,916,798 -1.59 -47,012 85.35 46.54
2013 2,963,810 -1.75 -52,686 85.35 47.29
2012 3,016,496 -1.76 -54,097 85.37 48.13
2011 3,070,593 -1.67 -52,242 85.43 48.99
2010 3,122,835 -1.56 -49,601 85.57 49.83
2005 3,343,268 -4.10 -143,105 87.03 53.34
2000 3,486,373 -3.91 -141,706 87.97 55.63
1995 3,628,079 -1.87 -69,314 89.11 57.89
1990 3,697,393 3.75 133,652 89.83 58.99
1985 3,563,741 3.84 131,808 89.46 56.86
1980 3,431,933 4.00 132,114 89.17 54.76
1975 3,299,819 5.18 162,446 88.92 52.65
1970 3,137,373 5.74 170,426 88.35 50.06
1965 2,966,947 7.08 196,210 87.23 47.34
1960 2,770,737 5.37 141,166 85.53 44.21
1955 2,629,571 2.42 62,169 83.97 41.96
1950 2,567,402 82.16 40.96
Chart population Lithuania Population (1950 - 2025)