Population of Latvia (2025)

Latvia population


Births this year: 170,332 Births today 41
Deaths this year 247,755 Deaths today 59

Latvia Population by Religions(2006)

Region Name Percents Number
Lutheran 19.6% 385,274 people
Orthodox 15.3% 300,750 people
other Christian 1% 19,657 people
other 0.4% 7,863 people
unspecified 63.7% 1,252,142 people

Latvia Population by Ethnic groups (2013 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Latvian 61.1% 1,201,034 people
Russian 26.2% 515,010 people
Belarusian 3.5% 68,799 people
Ukrainian 2.3% 45,211 people
Polish 2.2% 43,245 people
Lithuanian 1.3% 25,554 people
other 3.4% 66,833 people

Latvia population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 1,864,854 863,523 1,001,331 100 100 100 86.2
00-04 93,093 47,735 45,358 5 5.5 4.5 105.2
05-09 97,599 50,034 47,565 5.2 5.8 4.8 105.2
10-14 94,917 48,954 45,963 5.1 5.7 4.6 106.5
15-19 106,811 54,622 52,189 5.7 6.3 5.2 104.7
20-24 91,417 46,653 44,764 4.9 5.4 4.5 104.2
25-29 78,991 40,744 38,247 4.2 4.7 3.8 106.5
30-34 124,052 63,649 60,403 6.7 7.4 6 105.4
35-39 144,445 73,560 70,885 7.7 8.5 7.1 103.8
40-44 129,980 65,854 64,126 7 7.6 6.4 102.7
45-49 122,778 60,218 62,560 6.6 7 6.2 96.3
50-54 130,193 62,029 68,164 7 7.2 6.8 91
55-59 119,990 55,395 64,595 6.4 6.4 6.5 85.8
60-64 132,671 57,886 74,785 7.1 6.7 7.5 77.4
65-69 120,519 49,536 70,983 6.5 5.7 7.1 69.8
70-74 97,936 35,820 62,116 5.3 4.1 6.2 57.7
75-79 67,965 22,192 45,773 3.6 2.6 4.6 48.5
80-84 60,087 16,864 43,223 3.2 2 4.3 39
85-89 35,383 8,592 26,791 1.9 1 2.7 32.1
90-94 13,029 2,678 10,351 0.7 0.3 1 25.9
95-99 2,776 477 2,299 0.1 0.1 0.2 20.7
100+ 222 31 191 0 0 0 16.2

Latvia Age structure and Population pyramid

Latvia Age structure and Population pyramid

Latvia Sex ratio

Latvia Sex ratio

Latvia Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Latvia

Latvia Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 1,876,225 -0.60 -11,378 86.08 30.16
2023 1,887,603 -0.59 -11,118 85.92 30.35
2022 1,898,721 -0.55 -10,498 85.76 30.53
2021 1,909,219 -0.51 -9,730 85.61 30.69
2020 1,918,949 -0.45 -8,720 85.46 30.85
2019 1,927,669 -0.42 -8,111 85.31 30.99
2018 1,935,780 -0.45 -8,785 85.18 31.12
2017 1,944,565 -0.57 -11,177 85.05 31.26
2016 1,955,742 -0.75 -14,761 84.91 31.44
2015 1,970,503 -0.95 -18,851 84.76 31.68
2014 1,989,354 -1.12 -22,503 84.60 31.98
2013 2,011,857 -1.24 -25,233 84.43 32.34
2012 2,037,090 -1.29 -26,571 84.28 32.75
2011 2,063,661 -1.28 -26,858 84.17 33.18
2010 2,090,519 -1.27 -26,788 84.12 33.61
2005 2,227,559 -6.07 -143,922 84.62 35.81
2000 2,371,481 -4.68 -116,507 85.21 38.13
1995 2,487,988 -6.61 -175,997 85.58 40.00
1990 2,663,985 3.17 81,906 86.86 42.83
1985 2,582,079 2.73 68,682 85.82 41.51
1980 2,513,397 2.29 56,370 85.22 40.41
1975 2,457,027 3.86 91,274 85.07 39.50
1970 2,365,753 4.62 104,494 84.15 38.03
1965 2,261,259 6.04 128,891 82.09 36.35
1960 2,132,368 5.82 117,359 79.20 34.28
1955 2,015,009 3.39 66,009 78.19 32.40
1950 1,949,000 76.17 31.33
Chart population Latvia Population (1950 - 2025)