Population of Kyrgyzstan (2025)

Kyrgyzstan population


Births this year: 1,121,840 Births today 121
Deaths this year 327,617 Deaths today 35

Kyrgyzstan Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 75% 4,295,665 people
Russian Orthodox 20% 1,145,511 people
other 5% 286,378 people

Kyrgyzstan Population by Ethnic groups (1999 census)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Kyrgyz 64.9% 3,717,182 people
Uzbek 13.8% 790,402 people
Russian 12.5% 715,944 people
Dungan 1.1% 63,003 people
Ukrainian 1% 57,276 people
Uighur 1% 57,276 people
other 5.7% 326,471 people

Kyrgyzstan population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 6,766,240 3,344,614 3,421,626 100 100 100 97.7
00-04 669,445 343,663 325,782 9.9 10.3 9.5 105.5
05-09 714,057 366,276 347,781 10.6 11 10.2 105.3
10-14 772,017 396,053 375,964 11.4 11.8 11 105.3
15-19 586,465 298,917 287,548 8.7 8.9 8.4 104
20-24 449,858 229,582 220,276 6.6 6.9 6.4 104.2
25-29 478,084 244,033 234,051 7.1 7.3 6.8 104.3
30-34 530,631 268,817 261,814 7.8 8 7.7 102.7
35-39 554,414 273,371 281,043 8.2 8.2 8.2 97.3
40-44 410,790 204,927 205,863 6.1 6.1 6 99.5
45-49 336,448 164,090 172,358 5 4.9 5 95.2
50-54 309,965 146,819 163,146 4.6 4.4 4.8 90
55-59 270,838 125,145 145,693 4 3.7 4.3 85.9
60-64 268,137 120,394 147,743 4 3.6 4.3 81.5
65-69 191,801 81,957 109,844 2.8 2.5 3.2 74.6
70-74 126,263 49,999 76,264 1.9 1.5 2.2 65.6
75-79 52,189 18,152 34,037 0.8 0.5 1 53.3
80-84 25,099 7,984 17,115 0.4 0.2 0.5 46.6
85-89 15,357 3,658 11,699 0.2 0.1 0.3 31.3
90-94 3,888 734 3,154 0.1 0 0.1 23.3
95-99 458 41 417 0 0 0 9.8
100+ 36 2 34 0 0 0 5.9

Kyrgyzstan Age structure and Population pyramid

Kyrgyzstan Age structure and Population pyramid

Kyrgyzstan Sex ratio

Kyrgyzstan Sex ratio

Kyrgyzstan Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 6,694,556 1.12 73,961 97.79 34.90
2023 6,620,595 1.17 76,401 97.83 34.52
2022 6,544,194 1.22 78,989 97.86 34.12
2021 6,465,205 1.28 81,642 97.90 33.71
2020 6,383,563 1.33 83,988 97.93 33.28
2019 6,299,575 1.39 86,134 97.98 32.84
2018 6,213,441 1.44 88,496 98.02 32.40
2017 6,124,945 1.51 91,176 98.06 31.93
2016 6,033,769 1.58 93,807 98.06 31.46
2015 5,939,962 1.65 96,345 98.01 30.97
2014 5,843,617 1.70 97,919 97.89 30.47
2013 5,745,698 1.73 97,468 97.72 29.96
2012 5,648,230 1.70 94,403 97.52 29.45
2011 5,553,827 1.63 89,260 97.36 28.96
2010 5,464,567 1.57 84,257 97.29 28.49
2005 5,115,470 3.24 160,620 97.87 26.67
2000 4,954,850 7.90 362,715 97.36 25.83
1995 4,592,135 4.50 197,633 96.88 23.94
1990 4,394,502 9.49 381,004 95.72 22.91
1985 4,013,498 10.64 385,999 94.56 20.93
1980 3,627,499 9.96 328,498 94.15 18.91
1975 3,299,001 11.28 334,502 93.47 17.20
1970 2,964,499 15.19 391,005 91.56 15.46
1965 2,573,494 18.46 400,994 90.99 13.42
1960 2,172,500 14.19 270,001 90.25 11.33
1955 1,902,499 9.34 162,499 89.85 9.92
1950 1,740,000 90.96 9.07
Chart population Kyrgyzstan Population (1950 - 2025)