Population of Kazakhstan (2025)

Kazakhstan population


Births this year: 2,969,786 Births today 143
Deaths this year 1,302,259 Deaths today 63

Kazakhstan Population by Religions(2009 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 70.2% 12,888,968 people
Christian (mainly Russian Orthodox) 26.2% 4,810,412 people
other 0.2% 36,721 people
atheist 2.8% 514,090 people
unspecified 0.5% 91,802 people

Kazakhstan Population by Ethnic groups (2009 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Kazakh (Qazaq) 63.1% 11,585,383 people
Russian 23.7% 4,351,404 people
Uzbek 2.9% 532,450 people
Ukrainian 2.1% 385,567 people
Uighur 1.4% 257,045 people
Tatar 1.3% 238,685 people
German 1.1% 201,964 people
other 4.4% 807,856 people

Kazakhstan population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 19,419,954 9,372,464 10,047,490 100 100 100 93.3
00-04 1,632,463 838,722 793,741 8.4 8.9 7.9 105.7
05-09 1,778,277 913,078 865,199 9.2 9.7 8.6 105.5
10-14 1,940,590 997,040 943,550 10 10.6 9.4 105.7
15-19 1,612,776 828,903 783,873 8.3 8.8 7.8 105.7
20-24 1,133,659 578,884 554,775 5.8 6.2 5.5 104.3
25-29 1,118,931 570,522 548,409 5.8 6.1 5.5 104
30-34 1,479,073 737,545 741,528 7.6 7.9 7.4 99.5
35-39 1,643,075 799,481 843,594 8.5 8.5 8.4 94.8
40-44 1,312,791 639,337 673,454 6.8 6.8 6.7 94.9
45-49 1,154,096 549,324 604,772 5.9 5.9 6 90.8
50-54 1,063,739 496,106 567,633 5.5 5.3 5.6 87.4
55-59 915,286 413,792 501,494 4.7 4.4 5 82.5
60-64 962,593 416,562 546,031 5 4.4 5.4 76.3
65-69 702,140 282,950 419,190 3.6 3 4.2 67.5
70-74 508,424 180,517 327,907 2.6 1.9 3.3 55.1
75-79 225,688 72,103 153,585 1.2 0.8 1.5 46.9
80-84 130,705 34,145 96,560 0.7 0.4 1 35.4
85-89 85,726 19,840 65,886 0.4 0.2 0.7 30.1
90-94 16,038 3,122 12,916 0.1 0 0.1 24.2
95-99 3,578 472 3,106 0 0 0 15.2
100+ 306 19 287 0 0 0 6.6

Kazakhstan Age structure and Population pyramid

Kazakhstan Age structure and Population pyramid

Kazakhstan Sex ratio

Kazakhstan Sex ratio

Kazakhstan Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 19,272,850 0.81 154,331 93.32 7.14
2023 19,118,519 0.85 161,257 93.35 7.08
2022 18,957,262 0.89 167,525 93.38 7.02
2021 18,789,737 0.93 173,562 93.41 6.96
2020 18,616,175 0.96 177,556 93.43 6.90
2019 18,438,619 1.00 182,135 93.44 6.83
2018 18,256,484 1.06 192,014 93.45 6.76
2017 18,064,470 1.17 209,086 93.44 6.69
2016 17,855,384 1.31 230,158 93.43 6.61
2015 17,625,226 1.46 253,605 93.40 6.53
2014 17,371,621 1.59 272,075 93.36 6.43
2013 17,099,546 1.65 278,091 93.31 6.33
2012 16,821,455 1.61 267,150 93.24 6.23
2011 16,554,305 1.49 243,681 93.16 6.13
2010 16,310,624 1.32 212,268 93.06 6.04
2005 15,451,752 3.31 494,983 92.41 5.72
2000 14,956,769 -6.09 -969,144 92.10 5.54
1995 15,925,913 -3.65 -604,114 93.45 5.90
1990 16,530,027 4.75 750,025 93.83 6.12
1985 15,780,002 5.77 861,011 93.19 5.85
1980 14,918,991 5.54 782,985 92.91 5.53
1975 14,136,006 7.83 1,026,014 93.12 5.24
1970 13,109,992 10.08 1,200,991 92.94 4.86
1965 11,909,001 19.14 1,913,004 92.92 4.41
1960 9,995,997 25.08 2,003,995 92.86 3.70
1955 7,992,002 19.23 1,289,006 93.10 2.96
1950 6,702,996 93.77 2.48
Chart population Kazakhstan Population (1950 - 2025)