Population of Indonesia (2025)

Indonesia population


Births this year: 37,021,086 Births today 7,864
Deaths this year 14,447,253 Deaths today 3,069

Indonesia Population by Religions(2010 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 87.2% 225,251,596 people
Christian 7% 18,082,124 people
Roman Catholic 2.9% 7,491,165 people
Hindu 1.7% 4,391,373 people
other (includes Buddhist and Confucian) 0.9% 2,324,844 people
unspecified 0.4% 1,033,264 people

Indonesia Population by Ethnic groups (2010 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Javanese 40.1% 103,584,736 people
Sundanese 15.5% 40,038,988 people
Malay 3.7% 9,557,694 people
Batak 3.6% 9,299,378 people
Madurese 3% 7,749,482 people
Betawi 2.9% 7,491,165 people
Minangkabau 2.7% 6,974,533 people
Buginese 2.7% 6,974,533 people
Bantenese 2% 5,166,321 people
Banjarese 1.7% 4,391,373 people
Balinese 1.7% 4,391,373 people
Acehnese 1.4% 3,616,425 people
Dayak 1.4% 3,616,425 people
Sasak 1.3% 3,358,109 people
Chinese 1.2% 3,099,793 people
other 15% 38,747,408 people

Indonesia population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 284,504,973 142,793,106 141,711,867 100 100 100 100.8
00-04 23,172,322 11,829,783 11,342,539 8.1 8.3 8 104.3
05-09 23,793,165 12,141,461 11,651,704 8.4 8.5 8.2 104.2
10-14 24,662,146 12,584,144 12,078,002 8.7 8.8 8.5 104.2
15-19 22,697,120 11,659,978 11,037,142 8 8.2 7.8 105.6
20-24 23,111,925 11,881,886 11,230,039 8.1 8.3 7.9 105.8
25-29 22,380,544 11,445,849 10,934,695 7.9 8 7.7 104.7
30-34 20,472,207 10,359,030 10,113,177 7.2 7.3 7.1 102.4
35-39 19,460,946 9,634,086 9,826,860 6.8 6.7 6.9 98
40-44 20,798,258 10,340,354 10,457,904 7.3 7.2 7.4 98.9
45-49 19,144,709 9,573,761 9,570,948 6.7 6.7 6.8 100
50-54 17,520,853 8,777,589 8,743,264 6.2 6.1 6.2 100.4
55-59 15,130,019 7,494,149 7,635,870 5.3 5.2 5.4 98.1
60-64 12,122,683 5,872,028 6,250,655 4.3 4.1 4.4 93.9
65-69 9,027,422 4,323,442 4,703,980 3.2 3 3.3 91.9
70-74 5,588,211 2,670,278 2,917,933 2 1.9 2.1 91.5
75-79 3,102,810 1,317,049 1,785,761 1.1 0.9 1.3 73.8
80-84 1,570,621 628,389 942,232 0.6 0.4 0.7 66.7
85-89 601,535 212,793 388,742 0.2 0.1 0.3 54.7
90-94 127,954 41,061 86,893 0 0 0.1 47.3
95-99 18,423 5,684 12,739 0 0 0 44.6
100+ 1,100 312 788 0 0 0 39.6

Indonesia Age structure and Population pyramid

Indonesia Age structure and Population pyramid

Indonesia Sex ratio

Indonesia Sex ratio

Indonesia Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Indonesia

Indonesia Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 282,109,216 0.88 2,463,320 100.84 155.73
2023 279,645,896 0.91 2,530,306 100.92 154.37
2022 277,115,590 0.95 2,596,377 101.00 152.97
2021 274,519,213 0.98 2,661,793 101.07 151.54
2020 271,857,420 1.01 2,720,999 101.13 150.07
2019 269,136,421 1.04 2,779,123 101.20 148.57
2018 266,357,298 1.08 2,847,152 101.25 147.03
2017 263,510,146 1.12 2,929,046 101.30 145.46
2016 260,581,100 1.17 3,017,285 101.36 143.84
2015 257,563,815 1.22 3,109,037 101.42 142.18
2014 254,454,778 1.27 3,186,502 101.48 140.46
2013 251,268,276 1.30 3,230,423 101.56 138.70
2012 248,037,853 1.32 3,229,599 101.62 136.92
2011 244,808,254 1.32 3,195,128 101.64 135.14
2010 241,613,126 1.32 3,147,961 101.61 133.37
2005 226,254,703 6.96 14,714,275 100.82 124.89
2000 211,540,428 7.40 14,582,583 100.19 116.77
1995 196,957,845 8.55 15,521,024 100.09 108.72
1990 181,436,821 9.95 16,424,626 100.88 100.15
1985 165,012,195 11.88 17,521,829 99.99 91.09
1980 147,490,366 12.83 16,766,248 99.83 81.42
1975 130,724,118 13.84 15,889,337 99.63 72.16
1970 114,834,781 14.48 14,525,885 99.41 63.39
1965 100,308,896 14.26 12,516,384 99.15 55.37
1960 87,792,512 13.53 10,464,713 98.82 48.46
1955 77,327,799 11.19 7,784,480 98.57 42.69
1950 69,543,319 98.43 38.39
Chart population Indonesia Population (1950 - 2025)