Population of Europe (2025)

Europe population


Births this year: 45,549,026 Births today 8,765
Deaths this year 11,163,977 Deaths today 2,148

Europe Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish 100% 515,052,778 people

Europe population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 738,089,844 356,779,037 381,310,807 100 100 100 93.6
00-04 37,131,876 19,059,684 18,072,192 5 5.3 4.7 105.5
05-09 39,102,608 20,068,693 19,033,915 5.3 5.6 5 105.4
10-14 40,220,077 20,656,365 19,563,712 5.4 5.8 5.1 105.6
15-19 39,836,712 20,410,923 19,425,789 5.4 5.7 5.1 105.1
20-24 37,828,717 19,349,818 18,478,899 5.1 5.4 4.8 104.7
25-29 38,704,153 19,754,392 18,949,761 5.2 5.5 5 104.2
30-34 44,599,457 22,642,001 21,957,456 6 6.3 5.8 103.1
35-39 51,417,983 25,889,341 25,528,642 7 7.3 6.7 101.4
40-44 51,878,342 25,940,223 25,938,119 7 7.3 6.8 100
45-49 50,752,555 25,088,120 25,664,435 6.9 7 6.7 97.8
50-54 50,490,201 24,737,581 25,752,620 6.8 6.9 6.8 96.1
55-59 49,789,661 24,113,542 25,676,119 6.7 6.8 6.7 93.9
60-64 50,460,103 23,798,337 26,661,766 6.8 6.7 7 89.3
65-69 45,695,435 20,746,259 24,949,176 6.2 5.8 6.5 83.2
70-74 39,398,447 17,058,301 22,340,146 5.3 4.8 5.9 76.4
75-79 30,012,973 12,696,075 17,316,898 4.1 3.6 4.5 73.3
80-84 19,694,266 7,743,515 11,950,751 2.7 2.2 3.1 64.8
85-89 13,545,770 4,753,840 8,791,930 1.8 1.3 2.3 54.1
90-94 5,670,283 1,791,306 3,878,977 0.8 0.5 1 46.2
95-99 1,618,586 429,435 1,189,151 0.2 0.1 0.3 36.1
100+ 241,639 51,286 190,353 0 0 0 26.9

Europe Age structure and Population pyramid

Europe Age structure and Population pyramid

Europe Sex ratio

Europe Sex ratio

Europe Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Europe

Europe Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 738,640,389 -0.06 -447,612 93.54 33.37
2023 739,088,001 -0.05 -335,977 93.51 33.39
2022 739,423,978 -0.03 -214,288 93.48 33.41
2021 739,638,266 -0.01 -86,996 93.45 33.42
2020 739,725,262 0.01 49,361 93.41 33.42
2019 739,675,901 0.02 180,886 93.36 33.42
2018 739,495,015 0.04 287,273 93.31 33.41
2017 739,207,742 0.05 358,740 93.26 33.40
2016 738,849,002 0.06 406,932 93.21 33.38
2015 738,442,070 0.06 426,327 93.17 33.36
2014 738,015,743 0.06 454,280 93.13 33.34
2013 737,561,463 0.07 539,651 93.09 33.32
2012 737,021,812 0.10 706,237 93.07 33.30
2011 736,315,575 0.13 920,673 93.04 33.26
2010 735,394,902 0.16 1,155,265 93.03 33.22
2005 729,007,470 0.36 2,600,022 93.08 32.93
2000 726,407,448 -0.19 -1,370,992 93.12 32.82
1995 727,778,440 0.93 6,692,129 93.11 32.88
1990 721,086,311 1.86 13,187,357 92.94 32.58
1985 707,898,954 2.02 14,039,515 92.44 31.98
1980 693,859,439 2.44 16,541,647 92.15 31.35
1975 677,317,792 3.06 20,096,346 91.76 30.60
1970 657,221,446 3.48 22,103,314 91.30 29.69
1965 635,118,132 4.87 29,499,566 90.63 28.69
1960 605,618,566 5.02 28,954,829 89.61 27.36
1955 576,663,737 5.02 27,574,630 88.63 26.05
1950 549,089,107 87.57 24.81
Chart population Europe Population (1950 - 2025)