Population of East Africa (2025)

East Africa population


Births this year: 0 Births today 0
Deaths this year 0 Deaths today 0

East Africa population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 512,820,553 255,331,241 257,489,312 100 100 100 99.2
00-04 75,147,330 37,979,430 37,167,900 14.7 14.9 14.4 102.2
05-09 68,697,458 34,652,085 34,045,373 13.4 13.6 13.2 101.8
10-14 62,434,539 31,460,627 30,973,912 12.2 12.3 12 101.6
15-19 55,822,626 28,066,203 27,756,423 10.9 11 10.8 101.1
20-24 48,794,995 24,394,522 24,400,473 9.5 9.6 9.5 100
25-29 41,756,242 20,845,623 20,910,619 8.1 8.2 8.1 99.7
30-34 35,150,633 17,442,059 17,708,574 6.9 6.8 6.9 98.5
35-39 29,629,415 14,634,212 14,995,203 5.8 5.7 5.8 97.6
40-44 24,382,502 11,973,641 12,408,861 4.8 4.7 4.8 96.5
45-49 19,131,320 9,437,273 9,694,047 3.7 3.7 3.8 97.4
50-54 14,696,322 7,261,401 7,434,921 2.9 2.8 2.9 97.7
55-59 11,189,563 5,415,506 5,774,057 2.2 2.1 2.2 93.8
60-64 8,724,208 4,097,935 4,626,273 1.7 1.6 1.8 88.6
65-69 6,775,582 3,086,788 3,688,794 1.3 1.2 1.4 83.7
70-74 4,880,338 2,181,612 2,698,726 1 0.9 1 80.8
75-79 3,139,087 1,369,609 1,769,478 0.6 0.5 0.7 77.4
80-84 1,628,943 692,590 936,353 0.3 0.3 0.4 74
85-89 634,851 262,044 372,807 0.1 0.1 0.1 70.3
90-94 175,175 67,908 107,267 0 0 0 63.3
95-99 26,885 9,518 17,367 0 0 0 54.8
100+ 2,539 655 1,884 0 0 0 34.8

East Africa Age structure and Population pyramid

East Africa Age structure and Population pyramid

East Africa Sex ratio

East Africa Sex ratio

East Africa Dependency ratios

Chart working age in East Africa

East Africa Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 500,170,226 2.56 12,463,002 99.14 75.02
2023 487,707,224 2.58 12,279,967 99.12 73.15
2022 475,427,257 2.61 12,103,472 99.09 71.31
2021 463,323,785 2.64 11,930,629 99.07 69.49
2020 451,393,156 2.67 11,755,065 99.04 67.70
2019 439,638,091 2.70 11,573,600 99.01 65.94
2018 428,064,491 2.73 11,388,196 98.98 64.20
2017 416,676,295 2.76 11,197,827 98.95 62.49
2016 405,478,468 2.79 11,001,129 98.92 60.81
2015 394,477,339 2.82 10,801,979 98.89 59.16
2014 383,675,360 2.84 10,594,770 98.85 57.54
2013 373,080,590 2.86 10,368,583 98.82 55.96
2012 362,712,007 2.87 10,118,741 98.78 54.40
2011 352,593,266 2.87 9,850,641 98.74 52.88
2010 342,742,625 2.88 9,580,495 98.71 51.41
2005 297,636,467 14.75 38,263,926 98.54 44.64
2000 259,372,541 15.12 34,063,038 98.36 38.90
1995 225,309,503 13.66 27,077,816 98.11 33.79
1990 198,231,687 16.10 27,492,522 98.19 29.73
1985 170,739,165 15.75 23,227,482 98.29 25.61
1980 147,511,683 15.83 20,155,589 98.24 22.12
1975 127,356,094 15.33 16,927,727 98.22 19.10
1970 110,428,367 14.90 14,323,565 98.19 16.56
1965 96,104,802 14.00 11,799,356 98.17 14.41
1960 84,305,446 12.81 9,571,219 98.18 12.64
1955 74,734,227 11.67 7,811,525 98.21 11.21
1950 66,922,702 98.32 10.04
Chart population East Africa Population (1950 - 2025)