Population of Czech Republic (2025)

Czech Republic population


Births this year: 870,432 Births today 194
Deaths this year 952,894 Deaths today 213

Czech Republic Population by Religions(2011 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic 10.4% 1,107,064 people
Protestant (includes Czech Brethren and Hussite) 1.1% 117,093 people
other and unspecified 54% 5,748,215 people
none 34.5% 3,672,470 people

Czech Republic Population by Ethnic groups (2011 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Czech 64.3% 6,844,633 people
Moravian 5% 532,242 people
Slovak 1.4% 149,028 people
other 1.8% 191,607 people
unspecified 27.5% 2,927,332 people

Czech Republic population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 10,549,678 5,193,465 5,356,213 100 100 100 97
00-04 499,536 256,696 242,840 4.7 4.9 4.5 105.7
05-09 532,324 273,468 258,856 5 5.3 4.8 105.6
10-14 541,503 278,136 263,367 5.1 5.4 4.9 105.6
15-19 573,400 294,051 279,349 5.4 5.7 5.2 105.3
20-24 491,047 251,269 239,778 4.7 4.8 4.5 104.8
25-29 471,212 240,819 230,393 4.5 4.6 4.3 104.5
30-34 626,909 319,706 307,203 5.9 6.2 5.7 104.1
35-39 707,140 362,572 344,568 6.7 7 6.4 105.2
40-44 750,738 386,242 364,496 7.1 7.4 6.8 106
45-49 916,359 468,727 447,632 8.7 9 8.4 104.7
50-54 851,155 433,687 417,468 8.1 8.4 7.8 103.9
55-59 674,734 340,569 334,165 6.4 6.6 6.2 101.9
60-64 628,885 310,217 318,668 6 6 5.9 97.3
65-69 600,833 285,150 315,683 5.7 5.5 5.9 90.3
70-74 613,059 275,426 337,633 5.8 5.3 6.3 81.6
75-79 523,560 219,292 304,268 5 4.2 5.7 72.1
80-84 318,272 121,503 196,769 3 2.3 3.7 61.7
85-89 145,066 49,496 95,570 1.4 1 1.8 51.8
90-94 64,997 20,552 44,445 0.6 0.4 0.8 46.2
95-99 16,663 5,137 11,526 0.2 0.1 0.2 44.6
100+ 2,286 750 1,536 0 0 0 48.8

Czech Republic Age structure and Population pyramid

Czech Republic Age structure and Population pyramid

Czech Republic Sex ratio

Czech Republic Sex ratio

Czech Republic Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Czech Republic

Czech Republic Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 10,559,693 -0.07 -7,328 96.93 136.71
2023 10,567,021 -0.04 -4,660 96.91 136.81
2022 10,571,681 -0.02 -2,050 96.88 136.87
2021 10,573,731 0.00 437 96.85 136.89
2020 10,573,294 0.03 3,569 96.81 136.89
2019 10,569,725 0.06 6,614 96.77 136.84
2018 10,563,111 0.08 7,981 96.72 136.76
2017 10,555,130 0.07 7,072 96.67 136.65
2016 10,548,058 0.05 4,872 96.62 136.56
2015 10,543,186 0.00 520 96.59 136.50
2014 10,542,666 -0.03 -2,648 96.57 136.49
2013 10,545,314 0.00 153 96.57 136.53
2012 10,545,161 0.11 11,176 96.55 136.52
2011 10,533,985 0.26 27,368 96.48 136.38
2010 10,506,617 0.45 46,595 96.34 136.03
2005 10,230,877 -0.31 -32,133 94.91 132.46
2000 10,263,010 -0.70 -72,546 94.70 132.87
1995 10,335,556 0.11 11,855 94.50 133.81
1990 10,323,701 0.08 8,025 94.36 133.66
1985 10,315,676 -0.21 -22,151 94.29 133.55
1980 10,337,827 2.78 279,662 94.12 133.84
1975 10,058,165 2.52 246,874 93.85 130.22
1970 9,811,291 0.11 10,360 93.79 127.02
1965 9,800,931 2.32 222,344 94.89 126.89
1960 9,578,587 2.41 225,501 94.67 124.01
1955 9,353,086 5.06 450,467 94.75 121.09
1950 8,902,619 94.40 115.26
Chart population Czech Republic Population (1950 - 2025)