Population of Chile (2025)

Chile population


Births this year: 0 Births today 0
Deaths this year 122,555 Deaths today 0

Chile Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic 66.7% 11,772,626 people
Evangelical or Protestant 16.4% 2,894,619 people
other 16.9% 2,982,869 people

Chile Population by Ethnic groups (2012 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
white and non-indigenous 88.9% 15,690,951 people
Mapuche 9.1% 1,606,160 people
Aymara 0.7% 123,551 people
other indigenous groups (includes Rapa Nui, Likan Antai, Quechua, Colla, Diaguita, Kawesqar, Yagan or Yamana) 1% 176,501 people
unspecified 0.3% 52,950 people

Chile population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 19,638,801 9,708,916 9,929,885 100 100 100 97.8
00-04 1,142,491 582,010 560,481 5.8 6 5.6 103.8
05-09 1,166,781 593,693 573,088 5.9 6.1 5.8 103.6
10-14 1,192,083 607,195 584,888 6.1 6.3 5.9 103.8
15-19 1,239,262 635,794 603,468 6.3 6.5 6.1 105.4
20-24 1,305,703 675,614 630,089 6.6 7 6.3 107.2
25-29 1,391,566 723,349 668,217 7.1 7.5 6.7 108.3
30-34 1,478,210 765,523 712,687 7.5 7.9 7.2 107.4
35-39 1,498,336 769,048 729,288 7.6 7.9 7.3 105.5
40-44 1,359,477 690,750 668,727 6.9 7.1 6.7 103.3
45-49 1,269,827 638,913 630,914 6.5 6.6 6.4 101.3
50-54 1,260,918 627,361 633,557 6.4 6.5 6.4 99
55-59 1,259,357 616,333 643,024 6.4 6.3 6.5 95.8
60-64 1,119,828 536,413 583,415 5.7 5.5 5.9 91.9
65-69 936,857 432,730 504,127 4.8 4.5 5.1 85.8
70-74 737,259 324,009 413,250 3.8 3.3 4.2 78.4
75-79 523,015 218,832 304,183 2.7 2.3 3.1 71.9
80-84 364,553 140,351 224,202 1.9 1.4 2.3 62.6
85-89 215,130 76,035 139,095 1.1 0.8 1.4 54.7
90-94 117,611 37,980 79,631 0.6 0.4 0.8 47.7
95-99 47,414 13,704 33,710 0.2 0.1 0.3 40.7
100+ 13,123 3,279 9,844 0.1 0 0.1 33.3

Chile Age structure and Population pyramid

Chile Age structure and Population pyramid

Chile Sex ratio

Chile Sex ratio

Chile Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Chile

Chile Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 19,493,382 0.80 153,805 97.73 26.22
2023 19,339,577 0.84 160,932 97.69 26.01
2022 19,178,645 0.87 166,211 97.65 25.79
2021 19,012,434 0.90 170,014 97.61 25.57
2020 18,842,420 0.93 173,262 97.57 25.34
2019 18,669,158 0.95 176,448 97.53 25.11
2018 18,492,710 0.98 179,215 97.49 24.87
2017 18,313,495 1.00 181,645 97.45 24.63
2016 18,131,850 1.02 183,709 97.41 24.39
2015 17,948,141 1.04 185,494 97.38 24.14
2014 17,762,647 1.06 186,814 97.36 23.89
2013 17,575,833 1.08 187,396 97.34 23.64
2012 17,388,437 1.09 187,132 97.33 23.39
2011 17,201,305 1.09 186,257 97.32 23.13
2010 17,015,048 1.10 185,091 97.31 22.88
2005 16,096,571 6.11 926,184 97.33 21.65
2000 15,170,387 6.88 976,401 97.34 20.40
1995 14,193,986 8.01 1,052,784 97.31 19.09
1990 13,141,202 8.53 1,032,626 97.24 17.67
1985 12,108,576 7.78 874,236 97.23 16.29
1980 11,234,340 7.81 813,750 97.19 15.11
1975 10,420,590 8.98 858,722 97.19 14.01
1970 9,561,868 11.03 949,794 97.29 12.86
1965 8,612,074 11.91 916,382 97.44 11.58
1960 7,695,692 12.15 833,481 97.61 10.35
1955 6,862,211 11.71 719,312 97.83 9.23
1950 6,142,899 98.14 8.26
Chart population Chile Population (1950 - 2025)