Population of Chad (2025)

Chad population


Births this year: 0 Births today 0
Deaths this year 192,702 Deaths today 34

Chad Population by Religions(1993 census)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 53.1% 6,293,657 people
Catholic 20.1% 2,382,345 people
Protestant 14.2% 1,683,050 people
animist 7.3% 865,230 people
other 0.5% 59,262 people
unknown 1.7% 201,492 people
atheist 3.1% 367,426 people

Chad Population by Ethnic groups (1993 census)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Sara 27.7% 3,283,132 people
Arab 12.3% 1,457,853 people
Mayo-Kebbi 11.5% 1,363,033 people
Kanem-Bornou 9% 1,066,722 people
Ouaddai 8.7% 1,031,164 people
Hadjarai 6.7% 794,115 people
Tandjile 6.5% 770,410 people
Gorane 6.3% 746,705 people
Fitri-Batha 4.7% 557,066 people
other 6.4% 758,558 people
unknown 0.3% 35,557 people

Chad population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 19,074,752 9,561,705 9,513,047 100 100 100 100.5
00-04 3,293,856 1,664,980 1,628,876 17.3 17.4 17.1 102.2
05-09 2,845,877 1,436,673 1,409,204 14.9 15 14.8 101.9
10-14 2,475,583 1,248,750 1,226,833 13 13.1 12.9 101.8
15-19 2,134,491 1,075,697 1,058,794 11.2 11.3 11.1 101.6
20-24 1,810,472 910,028 900,444 9.5 9.5 9.5 101.1
25-29 1,498,270 750,059 748,211 7.9 7.8 7.9 100.2
30-34 1,207,551 604,032 603,519 6.3 6.3 6.3 100.1
35-39 950,285 476,449 473,836 5 5 5 100.6
40-44 744,551 373,300 371,251 3.9 3.9 3.9 100.6
45-49 579,461 289,540 289,921 3 3 3 99.9
50-54 446,455 221,602 224,853 2.3 2.3 2.4 98.6
55-59 339,243 165,437 173,806 1.8 1.7 1.8 95.2
60-64 266,316 126,705 139,611 1.4 1.3 1.5 90.8
65-69 204,960 94,802 110,158 1.1 1 1.2 86.1
70-74 144,365 64,830 79,535 0.8 0.7 0.8 81.5
75-79 77,274 34,989 42,285 0.4 0.4 0.4 82.7
80-84 38,554 16,965 21,589 0.2 0.2 0.2 78.6
85-89 13,648 5,621 8,027 0.1 0.1 0.1 70
90-94 3,098 1,118 1,980 0 0 0 56.5
95-99 410 121 289 0 0 0 41.9
100+ 32 7 25 0 0 0 28

Chad Age structure and Population pyramid

Chad Age structure and Population pyramid

Chad Sex ratio

Chad Sex ratio

Chad Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Chad

Chad Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 18,526,913 2.99 538,463 100.49 14.71
2023 17,988,450 3.03 528,873 100.47 14.29
2022 17,459,577 3.06 519,092 100.45 13.87
2021 16,940,485 3.10 509,153 100.43 13.45
2020 16,431,332 3.13 498,899 100.40 13.05
2019 15,932,433 3.16 488,528 100.37 12.65
2018 15,443,905 3.20 478,423 100.35 12.26
2017 14,965,482 3.23 468,743 100.32 11.88
2016 14,496,739 3.27 459,267 100.28 11.51
2015 14,037,472 3.32 450,419 100.25 11.15
2014 13,587,053 3.36 441,265 100.22 10.79
2013 13,145,788 3.38 430,323 100.18 10.44
2012 12,715,465 3.39 416,953 100.14 10.10
2011 12,298,512 3.38 402,132 100.10 9.77
2010 11,896,380 3.35 385,845 100.05 9.45
2005 10,067,932 20.67 1,724,611 99.66 8.00
2000 8,343,321 19.16 1,341,687 99.24 6.63
1995 7,001,634 17.52 1,043,612 98.94 5.56
1990 5,958,022 16.99 865,372 98.58 4.73
1985 5,092,650 12.85 579,855 98.02 4.04
1980 4,512,795 10.37 423,937 97.43 3.58
1975 4,088,858 12.18 443,947 96.69 3.25
1970 3,644,911 10.09 333,990 96.10 2.89
1965 3,310,921 10.27 308,325 95.61 2.63
1960 3,002,596 9.75 266,660 95.58 2.38
1955 2,735,936 9.34 233,622 96.10 2.17
1950 2,502,314 97.45 1.99
Chart population Chad Population (1950 - 2025)