Population of Burundi (2025)

Burundi population


Births this year: 0 Births today 0
Deaths this year 31,651 Deaths today 8

Burundi Population by Religions(2008 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Catholic 62.1% 689,266 people
Protestant (includes Adventist and other Protestant) 23.9% 265,273 people
Muslim 2.5% 27,748 people
other 3.6% 39,957 people
unspecified 7.9% 87,684 people

Burundi Population by Ethnic groups (2008 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Hutu (Bantu) 85% 943,440 people
Tutsi (Hamitic) 14% 155,390 people
Twa (Pygmy) 1% 11,099 people
0 people

Burundi population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 15,176,566 7,507,307 7,669,259 100 100 100 97.9
00-04 2,490,352 1,251,913 1,238,439 16.4 16.7 16.1 101.1
05-09 2,265,854 1,135,838 1,130,016 14.9 15.1 14.7 100.5
10-14 1,959,992 982,109 977,883 12.9 13.1 12.8 100.4
15-19 1,606,976 800,998 805,978 10.6 10.7 10.5 99.4
20-24 1,257,508 620,881 636,627 8.3 8.3 8.3 97.5
25-29 1,071,572 524,210 547,362 7.1 7 7.1 95.8
30-34 1,003,810 485,319 518,491 6.6 6.5 6.8 93.6
35-39 903,103 432,259 470,844 6 5.8 6.1 91.8
40-44 713,068 347,459 365,609 4.7 4.6 4.8 95
45-49 510,328 254,553 255,775 3.4 3.4 3.3 99.5
50-54 364,421 178,179 186,242 2.4 2.4 2.4 95.7
55-59 312,444 150,730 161,714 2.1 2 2.1 93.2
60-64 258,938 126,384 132,554 1.7 1.7 1.7 95.3
65-69 209,441 101,301 108,140 1.4 1.3 1.4 93.7
70-74 135,693 64,951 70,742 0.9 0.9 0.9 91.8
75-79 65,168 30,049 35,119 0.4 0.4 0.5 85.6
80-84 32,076 13,913 18,163 0.2 0.2 0.2 76.6
85-89 12,142 4,923 7,219 0.1 0.1 0.1 68.2
90-94 3,162 1,176 1,986 0 0 0 59.2
95-99 478 153 325 0 0 0 47.1
100+ 40 9 31 0 0 0 29

Burundi Age structure and Population pyramid

Burundi Age structure and Population pyramid

Burundi Sex ratio

Burundi Sex ratio

Burundi Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Burundi

Burundi Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 14,758,336 2.88 413,525 97.89 574.70
2023 14,344,811 2.94 409,481 97.88 558.60
2022 13,935,330 3.00 406,085 97.87 542.65
2021 13,529,245 3.07 402,972 97.86 526.84
2020 13,126,273 3.15 400,403 97.84 511.15
2019 12,725,870 3.22 397,310 97.83 495.56
2018 12,328,560 3.28 392,079 97.80 480.08
2017 11,936,481 3.32 383,920 97.78 464.82
2016 11,552,561 3.34 373,640 97.74 449.87
2015 11,178,921 3.35 362,061 97.69 435.32
2014 10,816,860 3.35 350,901 97.63 421.22
2013 10,465,959 3.37 341,387 97.54 407.55
2012 10,124,572 3.42 334,421 97.46 394.26
2011 9,790,151 3.48 329,034 97.39 381.24
2010 9,461,117 3.54 323,331 97.37 368.42
2005 7,934,213 17.25 1,167,140 97.65 308.96
2000 6,767,073 8.46 528,043 97.26 263.52
1995 6,239,030 11.15 625,889 95.91 242.95
1990 5,613,141 17.57 838,883 96.39 218.58
1985 4,774,258 15.70 647,714 94.69 185.91
1980 4,126,544 12.23 449,553 94.11 160.69
1975 3,676,991 6.36 219,878 94.16 143.19
1970 3,457,113 12.28 378,079 94.52 134.62
1965 3,079,034 10.49 292,294 94.00 119.90
1960 2,786,740 10.07 254,940 93.32 108.52
1955 2,531,800 9.65 222,877 92.62 98.59
1950 2,308,923 91.88 89.91
Chart population Burundi Population (1950 - 2025)