Population of Bahrain (2025)

Bahrain population


Births this year: 161,562 Births today 43
Deaths this year 32,312 Deaths today 9

Bahrain Population by Religions(2010 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 70.3% 969,370 people
Christian 14.5% 199,941 people
Hindu 9.8% 135,133 people
Buddhist 2.5% 34,473 people
Jewish 0.6% 8,273 people
folk religion <.1 0.1% 1,379 people
unaffiliated 1.9% 26,199 people
other 0.2% 2,758 people

Bahrain Population by Ethnic groups (2010 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Bahraini 46% 634,296 people
Asian 45.5% 627,401 people
other Arabs 4.7% 64,808 people
African 1.6% 22,062 people
European 1% 13,789 people
other (includes Gulf Co-operative country nationals, North and South Americans, and Oceanians) 1.2% 16,547 people

Bahrain population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 1,570,590 967,651 602,939 100 100 100 160.5
00-04 87,322 44,447 42,875 5.6 4.6 7.1 103.7
05-09 92,571 47,044 45,527 5.9 4.9 7.6 103.3
10-14 108,239 55,554 52,685 6.9 5.7 8.7 105.4
15-19 100,177 51,645 48,532 6.4 5.3 8 106.4
20-24 109,137 65,145 43,992 6.9 6.7 7.3 148.1
25-29 158,393 115,734 42,659 10.1 12 7.1 271.3
30-34 182,457 136,572 45,885 11.6 14.1 7.6 297.6
35-39 177,188 122,752 54,436 11.3 12.7 9 225.5
40-44 152,454 97,693 54,761 9.7 10.1 9.1 178.4
45-49 108,189 64,399 43,790 6.9 6.7 7.3 147.1
50-54 95,055 56,891 38,164 6.1 5.9 6.3 149.1
55-59 70,713 38,254 32,459 4.5 4 5.4 117.9
60-64 56,111 30,468 25,643 3.6 3.1 4.3 118.8
65-69 39,978 23,787 16,191 2.5 2.5 2.7 146.9
70-74 15,389 8,154 7,235 1 0.8 1.2 112.7
75-79 9,646 5,716 3,930 0.6 0.6 0.7 145.4
80-84 4,751 2,253 2,498 0.3 0.2 0.4 90.2
85-89 2,201 897 1,304 0.1 0.1 0.2 68.8
90-94 489 194 295 0 0 0 65.8
95-99 121 49 72 0 0 0 68.1
100+ 9 3 6 0 0 0 50

Bahrain Age structure and Population pyramid

Bahrain Age structure and Population pyramid

Bahrain Sex ratio

Bahrain Sex ratio

Bahrain Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Bahrain

Bahrain Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 1,555,132 1.04 15,937 161.04 2,046.23
2023 1,539,195 1.09 16,638 161.59 2,025.26
2022 1,522,557 1.17 17,633 162.10 2,003.36
2021 1,504,924 1.27 18,813 162.52 1,980.16
2020 1,486,111 1.42 20,826 162.81 1,955.41
2019 1,465,285 1.59 22,891 162.90 1,928.01
2018 1,442,394 1.66 23,499 162.82 1,897.89
2017 1,418,895 1.58 22,066 162.69 1,866.97
2016 1,396,829 1.42 19,592 162.71 1,837.93
2015 1,377,237 1.12 15,307 163.02 1,812.15
2014 1,361,930 0.93 12,503 163.72 1,792.01
2013 1,349,427 1.19 15,850 164.73 1,775.56
2012 1,333,577 2.11 27,563 165.72 1,754.71
2011 1,306,014 3.54 44,695 166.24 1,718.44
2010 1,261,319 5.39 64,545 165.94 1,659.63
2005 867,014 30.02 200,159 150.49 1,140.81
2000 666,855 18.29 103,125 133.55 877.44
1995 563,730 13.67 67,786 135.79 741.75
1990 495,944 18.24 76,519 136.42 652.56
1985 419,425 16.54 59,523 133.36 551.88
1980 359,902 34.95 93,216 140.66 473.56
1975 266,686 25.14 53,584 126.71 350.90
1970 213,102 13.75 25,754 117.49 280.40
1965 187,348 15.29 24,847 120.73 246.51
1960 162,501 21.58 28,848 115.32 213.82
1955 133,653 15.60 18,039 114.02 175.86
1950 115,614 116.11 152.12
Chart population Bahrain Population (1950 - 2025)