Population of Azerbaijan (2025)

Azerbaijan population


Births this year: 1,387,984 Births today 241
Deaths this year 608,314 Deaths today 106

Azerbaijan Population by Religions(1995)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim 93.4% 9,221,163 people
Russian Orthodox 2.5% 246,819 people
Armenian Orthodox 2.3% 227,074 people
other 1.8% 177,710 people

Azerbaijan Population by Ethnic groups (1995)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Azerbaijani 91.6% 9,043,453 people
Lezgian 2% 197,455 people
Russian 1.3% 128,346 people
Armenian 1.3% 128,346 people
Talysh 1.3% 128,346 people
other 2.4% 236,946 people

Azerbaijan population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 10,547,369 5,244,388 5,302,981 100 100 100 98.9
00-04 725,434 381,808 343,626 6.9 7.3 6.5 111.1
05-09 859,397 453,041 406,356 8.1 8.6 7.7 111.5
10-14 921,979 499,920 422,059 8.7 9.5 8 118.4
15-19 612,043 324,195 287,848 5.8 6.2 5.4 112.6
20-24 575,795 303,006 272,789 5.5 5.8 5.1 111.1
25-29 688,463 363,800 324,663 6.5 6.9 6.1 112.1
30-34 890,141 451,611 438,530 8.4 8.6 8.3 103
35-39 942,689 456,014 486,675 8.9 8.7 9.2 93.7
40-44 853,382 421,155 432,227 8.1 8 8.2 97.4
45-49 619,709 301,304 318,405 5.9 5.7 6 94.6
50-54 614,015 294,587 319,428 5.8 5.6 6 92.2
55-59 579,748 264,827 314,921 5.5 5 5.9 84.1
60-64 677,553 314,221 363,332 6.4 6 6.9 86.5
65-69 445,826 199,348 246,478 4.2 3.8 4.6 80.9
70-74 323,827 139,738 184,089 3.1 2.7 3.5 75.9
75-79 83,004 32,527 50,477 0.8 0.6 1 64.4
80-84 66,406 23,035 43,371 0.6 0.4 0.8 53.1
85-89 50,803 15,061 35,742 0.5 0.3 0.7 42.1
90-94 14,615 4,648 9,967 0.1 0.1 0.2 46.6
95-99 2,356 514 1,842 0 0 0 27.9
100+ 184 28 156 0 0 0 17.9

Azerbaijan Age structure and Population pyramid

Azerbaijan Age structure and Population pyramid

Azerbaijan Sex ratio

Azerbaijan Sex ratio

Azerbaijan Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 10,498,378 0.52 54,561 98.96 127.01
2023 10,443,817 0.59 60,758 99.01 126.35
2022 10,383,059 0.66 67,591 99.05 125.61
2021 10,315,468 0.73 74,899 99.08 124.80
2020 10,240,569 0.81 81,835 99.12 123.89
2019 10,158,734 0.88 88,659 99.15 122.90
2018 10,070,075 0.97 96,378 99.18 121.83
2017 9,973,697 1.07 105,250 99.20 120.66
2016 9,868,447 1.17 114,479 99.18 119.39
2015 9,753,968 1.29 124,189 99.12 118.00
2014 9,629,779 1.39 132,283 99.02 116.50
2013 9,497,496 1.45 136,019 98.87 114.90
2012 9,361,477 1.45 133,965 98.69 113.26
2011 9,227,512 1.40 127,619 98.48 111.63
2010 9,099,893 1.33 119,405 98.27 110.09
2005 8,563,398 5.49 445,656 97.09 103.60
2000 8,117,742 4.46 346,936 95.55 98.21
1995 7,770,806 7.68 554,303 95.87 94.01
1990 7,216,503 8.13 542,396 96.03 87.31
1985 6,674,107 8.28 510,117 95.14 80.74
1980 6,163,990 8.26 470,194 95.10 74.57
1975 5,693,796 9.96 515,636 95.38 68.88
1970 5,178,160 13.07 598,401 94.53 62.65
1965 4,579,759 17.49 681,870 93.46 55.41
1960 3,897,889 17.13 570,156 91.78 47.16
1955 3,327,733 14.91 431,736 89.95 40.26
1950 2,895,997 88.97 35.04
Chart population Azerbaijan Population (1950 - 2025)