Population of Saint Lucia (2025)

Saint Lucia population


Births this year: 19,111 Births today 4
Deaths this year 10,759 Deaths today 3

Saint Lucia Population by Religions

Region Name Percents Number
Roman Catholic 61.5% 101,145 people
Protestant (includes Seventh Day Adventist, Pentecostal, Baptist, Anglican, Church of God, other Protestant) 25.5% 41,938 people
other Christian 3.4% 5,592 people
other 9.6% 15,789 people

Saint Lucia Population by Ethnic groups (2010 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
black/African descent 85.3% 140,288 people
mixed 10.9% 17,927 people
East Indian 2.2% 3,618 people
other 1.6% 2,631 people
unspecified 0.1% 164 people

Saint Lucia population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 197,460 96,648 100,812 100 100 100 95.9
00-04 12,781 6,477 6,304 6.5 6.7 6.3 102.7
05-09 13,220 6,696 6,524 6.7 6.9 6.5 102.6
10-14 13,806 6,986 6,820 7 7.2 6.8 102.4
15-19 14,385 7,276 7,109 7.3 7.5 7.1 102.3
20-24 14,646 7,361 7,285 7.4 7.6 7.2 101
25-29 15,097 7,536 7,561 7.6 7.8 7.5 99.7
30-34 15,739 7,895 7,844 8 8.2 7.8 100.7
35-39 13,804 6,764 7,040 7 7 7 96.1
40-44 14,010 6,776 7,234 7.1 7 7.2 93.7
45-49 12,953 6,337 6,616 6.6 6.6 6.6 95.8
50-54 12,366 5,877 6,489 6.3 6.1 6.4 90.6
55-59 11,929 5,758 6,171 6 6 6.1 93.3
60-64 10,478 5,005 5,473 5.3 5.2 5.4 91.4
65-69 7,788 3,622 4,166 3.9 3.7 4.1 86.9
70-74 5,364 2,545 2,819 2.7 2.6 2.8 90.3
75-79 3,919 1,730 2,189 2 1.8 2.2 79
80-84 2,544 1,056 1,488 1.3 1.1 1.5 71
85-89 1,544 615 929 0.8 0.6 0.9 66.2
90-94 710 237 473 0.4 0.2 0.5 50.1
95-99 291 81 210 0.1 0.1 0.2 38.6
100+ 86 18 68 0 0 0.1 26.5

Saint Lucia Age structure and Population pyramid

Saint Lucia Age structure and Population pyramid

Saint Lucia Sex ratio

Saint Lucia Sex ratio

Saint Lucia Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 196,416 0.56 1,093 95.91 321.99
2023 195,323 0.59 1,141 95.96 320.20
2022 194,182 0.61 1,186 96.00 318.33
2021 192,996 0.64 1,231 96.05 316.39
2020 191,765 0.67 1,284 96.09 314.37
2019 190,481 0.71 1,339 96.13 312.26
2018 189,142 0.73 1,374 96.17 310.07
2017 187,768 0.74 1,385 96.21 307.82
2016 186,383 0.75 1,384 96.25 305.55
2015 184,999 0.74 1,354 96.31 303.28
2014 183,645 0.74 1,340 96.37 301.06
2013 182,305 0.78 1,415 96.45 298.86
2012 180,890 0.90 1,612 96.51 296.54
2011 179,278 1.06 1,881 96.54 293.90
2010 177,397 1.26 2,201 96.52 290.81
2005 165,407 5.39 8,458 95.86 271.16
2000 156,949 6.74 9,909 95.96 257.29
1995 147,040 6.41 8,860 96.11 241.05
1990 138,180 9.31 11,764 96.48 226.52
1985 126,416 7.15 8,432 96.23 207.24
1980 117,984 7.48 8,214 95.71 193.42
1975 109,770 5.38 5,608 93.92 179.95
1970 104,162 8.16 7,859 92.65 170.76
1965 96,303 7.12 6,402 92.49 157.87
1960 89,901 3.75 3,246 92.52 147.38
1955 86,655 4.68 3,872 100.02 142.06
1950 82,783 97.15 135.71
Chart population Saint Lucia Population (1950 - 2025)