Population of Montserrat (2025)

Montserrat population


Births this year: 50 Births today 0
Deaths this year 29 Deaths today 0

Montserrat Population by Religions(2001 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Protestant (includes Anglican, Methodist, Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventist, and Church of God) 67.1% 353 people
Roman Catholic 11.6% 61 people
Rastafarian 1.4% 7 people
other 6.5% 34 people
none 2.6% 14 people
unspecified 10.8% 57 people

Montserrat Population by Ethnic groups (2011 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
African/black 88.4% 465 people
mixed 3.7% 19 people
hispanic/Spanish 3% 16 people
caucasian/white 2.7% 14 people
East Indian/Indian 1.5% 8 people
other 0.7% 4 people

Montserrat Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 5,323 0.34 18 98.21 53.23
2023 5,305 0.34 18 98.25 53.05
2022 5,287 0.38 20 98.28 52.87
2021 5,267 0.38 20 98.29 52.67
2020 5,247 0.40 21 98.27 52.47
2019 5,226 0.44 23 98.21 52.26
2018 5,203 0.46 24 98.12 52.03
2017 5,179 0.49 25 98.00 51.79
2016 5,154 0.57 29 97.86 51.54
2015 5,125 0.61 31 97.71 51.25
2014 5,094 0.61 31 97.53 50.94
2013 5,063 0.66 33 97.34 50.63
2012 5,030 0.74 37 97.16 50.30
2011 4,993 0.81 40 97.01 49.93
2010 4,953 0.63 31 96.92 49.53
2005 4,777 -3.61 -179 97.31 47.77
2000 4,956 -51.56 -5,276 98.22 49.56
1995 10,232 -4.68 -502 99.01 102.32
1990 10,734 -5.22 -591 99.59 107.34
1985 11,325 -4.98 -594 99.33 113.25
1980 11,919 1.18 139 98.98 119.19
1975 11,780 1.30 151 98.40 117.80
1970 11,629 -1.80 -213 97.83 116.29
1965 11,842 -2.15 -260 97.49 118.42
1960 12,102 -15.35 -2,195 99.31 121.02
1955 14,297 5.74 776 99.10 142.97
1950 13,521 98.96 135.21
Chart population Montserrat Population (1950 - 2025)