Population of Laos (2025)

Laos population


Births this year: 1,460,725 Births today 100
Deaths this year 458,386 Deaths today 31

Laos Population by Religions(2005 census)

Region Name Percents Number
Buddhist 67% 4,702,779 people
Christian 1.5% 105,286 people
other and unspecified 31.5% 2,211,008 people

Laos Population by Ethnic groups (2005 census)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Lao 55% 3,860,490 people
Khmou 11% 772,098 people
Hmong 8% 561,526 people
other 26% 1,824,959 people

Laos population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 7,965,982 3,981,800 3,984,182 100 100 100 99.9
00-04 834,968 426,486 408,482 10.5 10.7 10.3 104.4
05-09 847,584 432,708 414,876 10.6 10.9 10.4 104.3
10-14 822,594 419,883 402,711 10.3 10.5 10.1 104.3
15-19 781,573 398,571 383,002 9.8 10 9.6 104.1
20-24 706,738 359,190 347,548 8.9 9 8.7 103.3
25-29 715,328 362,170 353,158 9 9.1 8.9 102.6
30-34 712,373 359,726 352,647 8.9 9 8.9 102
35-39 588,704 296,262 292,442 7.4 7.4 7.3 101.3
40-44 454,693 225,735 228,958 5.7 5.7 5.7 98.6
45-49 365,368 177,700 187,668 4.6 4.5 4.7 94.7
50-54 307,333 145,887 161,446 3.9 3.7 4.1 90.4
55-59 252,317 117,688 134,629 3.2 3 3.4 87.4
60-64 206,452 95,763 110,689 2.6 2.4 2.8 86.5
65-69 155,499 71,584 83,915 2 1.8 2.1 85.3
70-74 107,318 48,628 58,690 1.3 1.2 1.5 82.9
75-79 61,790 25,751 36,039 0.8 0.6 0.9 71.5
80-84 30,535 12,399 18,136 0.4 0.3 0.5 68.4
85-89 11,700 4,573 7,127 0.1 0.1 0.2 64.2
90-94 2,732 980 1,752 0 0 0 55.9
95-99 359 110 249 0 0 0 44.2
100+ 24 6 18 0 0 0 33.3

Laos Age structure and Population pyramid

Laos Age structure and Population pyramid

Laos Sex ratio

Laos Sex ratio

Laos Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Laos

Laos Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 7,855,828 1.44 111,789 99.88 34.04
2023 7,744,039 1.49 113,519 99.81 33.55
2022 7,630,520 1.54 115,380 99.73 33.06
2021 7,515,140 1.58 117,197 99.65 32.56
2020 7,397,943 1.64 119,119 99.57 32.05
2019 7,278,824 1.68 120,578 99.48 31.54
2018 7,158,246 1.72 120,725 99.39 31.01
2017 7,037,521 1.72 119,154 99.29 30.49
2016 6,918,367 1.71 116,344 99.19 29.98
2015 6,802,023 1.69 112,723 99.08 29.47
2014 6,689,300 1.66 109,315 98.97 28.98
2013 6,579,985 1.65 106,935 98.87 28.51
2012 6,473,050 1.67 106,141 98.76 28.05
2011 6,366,909 1.70 106,365 98.63 27.59
2010 6,260,544 1.75 107,391 98.48 27.13
2005 5,745,012 7.53 402,133 97.80 24.89
2000 5,342,879 9.99 485,105 99.23 23.15
1995 4,857,774 14.36 609,935 99.36 21.05
1990 4,247,839 15.43 567,694 100.05 18.40
1985 3,680,145 13.14 427,444 99.35 15.95
1980 3,252,701 6.72 204,837 98.67 14.09
1975 3,047,864 13.47 361,839 98.06 13.21
1970 2,686,025 12.81 304,962 97.43 11.64
1965 2,381,063 12.32 261,119 96.92 10.32
1960 2,119,944 12.14 229,581 96.63 9.19
1955 1,890,363 12.33 207,447 96.65 8.19
1950 1,682,916 97.11 7.29
Chart population Laos Population (1950 - 2025)