Population of Jordan (2025)

Jordan population


Births this year: 181,747 Births today 12
Deaths this year 27,084 Deaths today 2

Jordan Population by Religions(2010 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Muslim (official, predominantly Sunni) 97.2% 795,619 people
Christian (majority Greek Orthodox, but some Greek and Roman Catholics, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, and Protestant denominations) 2.2% 18,008 people
Buddhist 0.4% 3,274 people
Hindu 0.1% 819 people
Jewish <.1 0.1% 819 people
folk religion <.1 0.1% 819 people
unaffiliated <.1 0.1% 819 people
other <.1 0.1% 819 people

Jordan Population by Ethnic groups (2010 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Arab 98% 802,167 people
Circassian 1% 8,185 people
Armenian 1% 8,185 people

Jordan population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 8,547,226 4,379,447 4,167,779 100 100 100 105.1
00-04 904,590 463,320 441,270 10.6 10.6 10.6 105
05-09 909,722 465,692 444,030 10.6 10.6 10.7 104.9
10-14 906,074 463,206 442,868 10.6 10.6 10.6 104.6
15-19 820,674 419,257 401,417 9.6 9.6 9.6 104.4
20-24 748,112 382,275 365,837 8.8 8.7 8.8 104.5
25-29 685,909 350,996 334,913 8 8 8 104.8
30-34 620,540 317,749 302,791 7.3 7.3 7.3 104.9
35-39 577,300 296,329 280,971 6.8 6.8 6.7 105.5
40-44 559,934 289,621 270,313 6.6 6.6 6.5 107.1
45-49 477,194 249,639 227,555 5.6 5.7 5.5 109.7
50-54 415,755 219,700 196,055 4.9 5 4.7 112.1
55-59 323,312 171,398 151,914 3.8 3.9 3.6 112.8
60-64 232,015 119,119 112,896 2.7 2.7 2.7 105.5
65-69 146,881 71,751 75,130 1.7 1.6 1.8 95.5
70-74 91,768 43,787 47,981 1.1 1 1.2 91.3
75-79 64,864 29,038 35,826 0.8 0.7 0.9 81.1
80-84 40,160 17,296 22,864 0.5 0.4 0.5 75.6
85-89 17,179 7,352 9,827 0.2 0.2 0.2 74.8
90-94 4,558 1,713 2,845 0.1 0 0.1 60.2
95-99 637 197 440 0 0 0 44.8
100+ 48 12 36 0 0 0 33.3

Jordan Age structure and Population pyramid

Jordan Age structure and Population pyramid

Jordan Sex ratio

Jordan Sex ratio

Jordan Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Jordan

Jordan Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 8,463,856 0.89 74,856 105.06 95.34
2023 8,389,000 0.85 70,713 105.03 94.49
2022 8,318,287 0.88 72,422 104.99 93.70
2021 8,245,865 0.97 79,073 104.94 92.88
2020 8,166,792 1.07 86,480 104.90 91.99
2019 8,080,312 1.19 94,901 104.86 91.02
2018 7,985,411 1.38 108,708 104.82 89.95
2017 7,876,703 1.66 128,903 104.81 88.72
2016 7,747,800 2.02 153,253 104.85 87.27
2015 7,594,547 2.41 178,464 104.95 85.54
2014 7,416,083 2.79 201,251 105.14 83.53
2013 7,214,832 3.15 220,381 105.41 81.27
2012 6,994,451 3.46 234,080 105.73 78.78
2011 6,760,371 3.72 242,459 106.07 76.15
2010 6,517,912 4.01 251,047 106.38 73.42
2005 5,332,982 11.86 565,506 107.50 60.07
2000 4,767,476 10.35 447,318 108.71 53.70
1995 4,320,158 28.64 961,705 110.68 48.66
1990 3,358,453 20.68 575,568 110.68 37.83
1985 2,782,885 22.02 502,215 111.40 31.35
1980 2,280,670 14.89 295,549 109.58 25.69
1975 1,985,121 19.96 330,352 107.09 22.36
1970 1,654,769 47.77 534,971 107.78 18.64
1965 1,119,798 26.01 231,166 108.96 12.61
1960 888,632 37.62 242,908 109.63 10.01
1955 645,724 43.86 196,863 109.10 7.27
1950 448,861 107.87 5.06
Chart population Jordan Population (1950 - 2025)