Population of India (2025)

India population


Births this year: 188,055,675 Births today 7,969
Deaths this year 72,252,970 Deaths today 3,062

India Population by Religions(2001 census)

Region Name Percents Number
Hindu 80.5% 1,031,958,408 people
Muslim 13.4% 171,779,412 people
Christian 2.3% 29,484,526 people
Sikh 1.9% 24,356,782 people
other 1.8% 23,074,846 people
unspecified 0.1% 1,281,936 people

India Population by Ethnic groups (2000)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Indo-Aryan 72% 922,993,856 people
Dravidian 25% 320,483,978 people
Mongoloid and other 3% 38,458,077 people

India population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 1,461,625,234 756,312,822 705,312,412 100 100 100 107.2
00-04 122,777,175 64,412,482 58,364,693 8.4 8.5 8.3 110.4
05-09 122,989,247 64,683,381 58,305,866 8.4 8.6 8.3 110.9
10-14 122,027,195 64,276,288 57,750,907 8.3 8.5 8.2 111.3
15-19 125,709,505 66,304,116 59,405,389 8.6 8.8 8.4 111.6
20-24 125,067,429 66,036,156 59,031,273 8.6 8.7 8.4 111.9
25-29 121,109,398 63,756,777 57,352,621 8.3 8.4 8.1 111.2
30-34 115,764,278 60,635,150 55,129,128 7.9 8 7.8 110
35-39 110,228,677 57,091,169 53,137,508 7.5 7.5 7.5 107.4
40-44 101,272,276 52,131,648 49,140,628 6.9 6.9 7 106.1
45-49 87,895,625 44,929,758 42,965,867 6 5.9 6.1 104.6
50-54 76,819,826 39,029,479 37,790,347 5.3 5.2 5.4 103.3
55-59 65,742,401 33,114,271 32,628,130 4.5 4.4 4.6 101.5
60-64 55,132,263 27,531,036 27,601,227 3.8 3.6 3.9 99.7
65-69 43,342,737 21,421,889 21,920,848 3 2.8 3.1 97.7
70-74 31,308,949 15,241,372 16,067,577 2.1 2 2.3 94.9
75-79 17,879,804 8,349,653 9,530,151 1.2 1.1 1.4 87.6
80-84 9,836,051 4,448,749 5,387,302 0.7 0.6 0.8 82.6
85-89 4,692,148 2,041,777 2,650,371 0.3 0.3 0.4 77
90-94 1,605,084 692,009 913,075 0.1 0.1 0.1 75.8
95-99 368,067 161,001 207,066 0 0 0 77.8
100+ 57,099 24,661 32,438 0 0 0 76

India Age structure and Population pyramid

India Age structure and Population pyramid

India Sex ratio

India Sex ratio

India Dependency ratios

Chart working age in India

India Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 1,447,560,464 1.00 14,317,791 107.28 486.87
2023 1,433,242,673 1.03 14,561,752 107.33 482.06
2022 1,418,680,921 1.05 14,798,232 107.38 477.16
2021 1,403,882,689 1.08 15,023,772 107.42 472.18
2020 1,388,858,917 1.11 15,253,848 107.46 467.13
2019 1,373,605,069 1.14 15,467,350 107.49 462.00
2018 1,358,137,719 1.16 15,625,013 107.52 456.79
2017 1,342,512,706 1.18 15,711,130 107.55 451.54
2016 1,326,801,576 1.20 15,751,049 107.58 446.26
2015 1,311,050,527 1.22 15,758,984 107.61 440.96
2014 1,295,291,543 1.23 15,792,669 107.64 435.66
2013 1,279,498,874 1.26 15,909,235 107.67 430.35
2012 1,263,589,639 1.29 16,143,628 107.69 424.99
2011 1,247,446,011 1.34 16,461,507 107.71 419.56
2010 1,230,984,504 1.38 16,802,322 107.72 414.03
2005 1,144,326,293 8.62 90,845,221 107.60 384.88
2000 1,053,481,072 9.64 92,606,090 107.46 354.33
1995 960,874,982 10.37 90,273,206 107.36 323.18
1990 870,601,776 11.32 88,516,649 107.27 292.82
1985 782,085,127 12.17 84,855,382 107.30 263.05
1980 697,229,745 12.15 75,526,104 107.42 234.51
1975 621,703,641 12.23 67,760,415 107.54 209.10
1970 553,943,226 11.25 56,022,956 107.37 186.31
1965 497,920,270 10.73 48,258,396 107.08 167.47
1960 449,661,874 9.87 40,381,678 106.61 151.24
1955 409,280,196 8.76 32,954,991 106.01 137.66
1950 376,325,205 105.40 126.57
Chart population India Population (1950 - 2025)