Population of Cambodia (2025)

Cambodia population


Births this year: 324,393 Births today 98
Deaths this year 105,358 Deaths today 32

Cambodia Population by Religions(2008 est)

Region Name Percents Number
Buddhist (official) 96.9% 1,546,255 people
Muslim 1.9% 30,319 people
Christian 0.4% 6,383 people
other 0.8% 12,766 people

Cambodia Population by Ethnic groups (2008 est)

Ethnic groups Name Percents Number
Khmer 90% 1,436,150 people
Vietnamese 5% 79,786 people
Chinese 1% 15,957 people
other 4% 63,829 people

Cambodia population by Age group

Age Both Sexes Population Male Population Female Population Both Sexes (%) Male (%) Female (%) Sex ratio (female/male)
Total 17,943,648 8,769,380 9,174,268 100 100 100 95.6
00-04 1,734,347 889,659 844,688 9.7 10.1 9.2 105.3
05-09 1,796,357 917,582 878,775 10 10.5 9.6 104.4
10-14 1,746,922 889,208 857,714 9.7 10.1 9.3 103.7
15-19 1,623,664 828,228 795,436 9 9.4 8.7 104.1
20-24 1,430,083 712,485 717,598 8 8.1 7.8 99.3
25-29 1,497,158 752,113 745,045 8.3 8.6 8.1 100.9
30-34 1,561,718 789,532 772,186 8.7 9 8.4 102.2
35-39 1,219,624 586,476 633,148 6.8 6.7 6.9 92.6
40-44 1,619,436 776,849 842,587 9 8.9 9.2 92.2
45-49 611,358 282,614 328,744 3.4 3.2 3.6 86
50-54 781,198 366,950 414,248 4.4 4.2 4.5 88.6
55-59 707,569 326,021 381,548 3.9 3.7 4.2 85.4
60-64 613,972 274,423 339,549 3.4 3.1 3.7 80.8
65-69 407,546 153,653 253,893 2.3 1.8 2.8 60.5
70-74 304,670 116,324 188,346 1.7 1.3 2.1 61.8
75-79 164,968 62,523 102,445 0.9 0.7 1.1 61
80-84 81,698 29,964 51,734 0.5 0.3 0.6 57.9
85-89 31,671 11,551 20,120 0.2 0.1 0.2 57.4
90-94 8,446 2,842 5,604 0 0 0.1 50.7
95-99 1,156 359 797 0 0 0 45
100+ 87 24 63 0 0 0 38.1

Cambodia Age structure and Population pyramid

Cambodia Age structure and Population pyramid

Cambodia Sex ratio

Cambodia Sex ratio

Cambodia Dependency ratios

Chart working age in Cambodia

Cambodia Population (1950 - 2025)

Year Population Yearly %
Sex ratio Density
2024 17,724,687 1.27 222,380 95.56 100.41
2023 17,502,307 1.31 226,334 95.53 99.15
2022 17,275,973 1.35 230,943 95.49 97.87
2021 17,045,030 1.40 235,848 95.46 96.56
2020 16,809,182 1.45 240,600 95.42 95.23
2019 16,568,582 1.50 244,629 95.38 93.86
2018 16,323,953 1.54 247,583 95.34 92.48
2017 16,076,370 1.57 249,129 95.30 91.07
2016 15,827,241 1.60 249,342 95.26 89.66
2015 15,577,899 1.63 249,763 95.22 88.25
2014 15,328,136 1.66 249,572 95.19 86.84
2013 15,078,564 1.66 246,309 95.16 85.42
2012 14,832,255 1.64 239,156 95.13 84.03
2011 14,593,099 1.60 229,513 95.07 82.67
2010 14,363,586 1.55 219,249 94.99 81.37
2005 13,320,058 9.20 1,122,153 94.30 75.46
2000 12,197,905 14.06 1,503,446 94.55 69.10
1995 10,694,459 18.71 1,685,603 94.35 60.58
1990 9,008,856 16.35 1,265,791 93.40 51.04
1985 7,743,065 15.25 1,024,824 91.47 43.87
1980 6,718,241 -11.04 -833,747 88.84 38.06
1975 7,551,988 7.54 529,803 97.90 42.78
1970 7,022,185 8.58 554,989 99.03 39.78
1965 6,467,196 13.02 744,826 99.38 36.64
1960 5,722,370 13.42 677,086 99.64 32.42
1955 5,045,284 13.82 612,568 99.83 28.58
1950 4,432,716 99.99 25.11
Chart population Cambodia Population (1950 - 2025)